Skyvan PA-51 Prefecture Plane Returns to Argentina as a Testimony of Dark “Flights of Death”

2023-06-03 10:50:07

This Saturday the Skyvan PA-51 Prefecture plane that was used during the Argentine military dictatorship in the so-called “flights of death” will take off from the United States to Argentina, announced the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.

“On Saturday the Short Skyvan plane will take off from the United States to Argentina, which was used as an instrument of disappearance and death by the dictatorship in the tragically well-known death flights,” Massa reported this week in his account. of Twitter, within the framework of his agenda in China.

Massa indicated that the plane, which will be installed in the ESMA Site Museum “will remain as a faithful witness for these and for future generations of one of the darkest times in our history, reminding us of the importance of keeping alive the claim for Memory, Truth and Justice”.

According to spokespersons for the Ministry of Economy to this agency, the plane is expected to arrive “in a few days” at the Jorge Newbery International Airport in the city of Buenos Aires, following a series of technical stops recorded confidentially in the flight plan of the pilots.

Once at the Aeroparque and prior to its installation on the exEsma property, the Skyvan PA-51 will receive the last repair and painting tasks to reconstruct, as accurately as possible, its original state.

The dark story of the plane that returns to the country

This Prefecture plane, from where on December 14, 1977, a group of 12 people were thrown alive into the Argentine Sea, among them three Mothers of Plaza de Mayo and the French nuns Leonie Duquet and Alice Domon, will be transferred from the United States United with the intention that it be exhibited as testimony of the so-called “flights of death”.

The aircraft, owned by an American businessman who had “the precaution of keeping the original parts” is currently in a hangar in the American city of Dekalb -near Chicago- in the “full process of reconstruction” and “tuning” for undertake the return to Buenos Aires, they explained from the Economy portfolio.

They also stressed that the owner “kept original flight documentation since the plane was in Argentina” in the 1970s, which is of “great value” to contribute to the reconstruction of those operations called “flights of the death” who left with prisoners from the then Navy School of Mechanics to later be thrown alive into the Argentine Sea.

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