This is the question that many are asking at a time when energy prices are soaring.
The group purchase of energy consists in buying in group in order to pay less. An organizer brings together a large number of consumers and then negotiates with energy suppliers to obtain advantageous tariffs. With some organizers of group purchases, the savings promised over one year are attractive.
Quentin Gonay, Technical Director Wilipower,
“On average, on our group purchases, for a person who has electricity and gas, we are talking regarding 250 euros in savings. It depends of course on household consumption. It may be less, it may be more”indicates Quentin Gonay, technical director Wilipower, organizer of group purchases.
But beware, group buying is not a miracle solution. Before committing, you must be attentive to the terms of the contract.
Julie Frère, spokesperson for Tests Achats.
“These are fixed-term contracts, generally for a period of one year and therefore at the end of your contract you will sometimes switch to a formula which is much more expensive. You have to be very attentive, note well in your diary when his contract will end, check the offer made by the supplier, compare and do not hesitate to change supplier at that time”explains Julie Frère, spokesperson for Tests Achats.
Depending on your situation, the group purchase is not always the least expensive solution.
Stéphane Bocqué, communication manager of the FEBEG
“You have to see what the situation is at each moment. I urge customers to carefully analyze their invoices, their own situation, and to decide for themselves whether they have recourse to a purchase by grouped market or whether they their shopping themselves in the market”advises Stéphane Bocqué, communication manager of the FEBEG (Belgian Federation of Electricity and Gas Companies).
No universal advice therefore, the best solution remains to always compare all the offers within our reach.