Sky Post Medical Office|The woman received 4 injections and was still seriously ill with the disease + the wound was difficult to heal. The doctor disassembled 2 factors that affect the strength of immunity – Sky Post – Health – Living Healthy

Although the new crown epidemic is over and the mask order has been lifted, many “positive” people still have a question: Why are they still infected with the new crown virus despite being vaccinated at that time? Registered western doctor Chen Jingbang shared a case with “Sky Post” that a 70-year-old mother-in-law had been vaccinated with 4 doses of the new crown vaccine, but she was still “acquired” a few months ago. Dr. Chen Jingbang said frankly that the fight against the new coronavirus should not rely solely on vaccines. On the contrary, if one of the organs in the human body can maintain health, it can more effectively fight against foreign viruses and bacteria.

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Difficulty walking and rash after infection

Dr. Chen Jingbang shared the above case and pointed out that the 70-year-old mother-in-law is a frequent visitor to the clinic. She is very thin and weighs only about 40 kilograms. Because I am often affected by low back pain and joint pain, I always need the help of medicine in my daily life. Unfortunately, although she had received 4 shots of the new crown vaccine in the past, she was still infected a few months ago.

The mother-in-law developed many symptoms during the infection period, and her condition became more and more serious, requiring hospitalization. Although fortunately her life was not in danger, she became thinner and weaker due to prolonged bed rest. After being discharged from the hospital, the mother-in-law still had symptoms such as shortness of breath, constant coughing, and difficulty in defecation, and her physical strength was also severely reduced. Even walking to the bathroom was very strenuous. In addition, she found that her wounds were difficult to heal, and she continued to have cold symptoms. Recently, many itchy rashes appeared on her body, which made it difficult for her to sleep.

After detailed examination and blood test, Dr. Chen found that the muscle mass of the mother-in-law was very low, and the inflammation index in the blood increased, and there was anemia, which proved that she was very weak. He said frankly: “If the mother-in-law’s condition persists, it may affect her life, so appropriate medical treatment must be given immediately.”

The gut produces more than 70% of immunoglobulin A

The mother-in-law was also very puzzled by her “acceptance of sun exposure”. Dr. Chen explained: “In fact, the vaccine only improves our ability to respond to the virus and strengthens our immunity from virus infection, but it is not 100% protective. In the final analysis In the end, we rely on our own immunity to fight against viruses and germs. But on the other hand, if the immune system is too active or overly sensitive, other diseases will form.”

Dr. Chen pointed out that according to recent medical research, the intestinal microbiome and the amount of protein eaten have a great impact on the body’s immunity. “It turns out that more than 70% of the immunoglobulin A in our body is produced by the intestinal tract , and there are 70% of the body’s immune cells in the intestinal tract, which is the largest immune organ in the human body. Therefore, if you want to have sufficient immunity, you need to maintain a healthy intestinal tract, so you must have a good healthy diet, bowel habits, and daily Take enough rest every day. Another thing is to take in enough live bacteria that are beneficial to human intestinal health, so as to improve the micro-ecological balance in the intestine and prevent intestinal diseases.”

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In addition, Dr. Chen also said that protein is the main raw material for the production of white blood cells and antibodies, and the mother-in-law in the above case was extremely thin. In the end, the doctor had to cooperate with a nutritionist and a physical therapist to help her improve her immunity and improve her health.

After the epidemic, it is advisable to eat 3 high-protein foods a day

Regarding dietary advice after the epidemic, British registered nutritionist Kennie Hsiao (Kennie) once shared that those who have recovered from the new crown need protein and high-energy foods in particular when they recover. Because muscle mass is lost during an infection, the immune system needs to break down the proteins in the muscle to obtain the amino acids that make hormones and enzymes for the immune response. The NHS recommends 3 palm-sized servings of high-protein food a day while recovering.

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Kennie recommends choosing high-quality protein, such as lean poultry and fish, to cut down on saturated fat. In addition, replenishing the body’s energy is also an important part. She recommends that recoverers consume more starchy carbohydrates, such as noodles, rice, and potatoes, with the goal of accounting for about a quarter of the main meal. Ideally, choose unrefined, low-glycemic starchy carbohydrates that are high in dietary fiber, such as sweet potatoes, oatmeal, brown rice and wheat bread, she said.

Intestinal microecological imbalance can easily lead to new crowns

She cited a study published by CUHK earlier that 80% of COVID-19 patients with intestinal microecological imbalances had symptoms of sequelae of “coronavirus”. Kennie advises recovering patients to eat more fermented foods and drinks containing probiotics, such as yogurt, kimchi, tempeh, vegetable and fruit enzyme drinks, sourdough bread and sauerkraut, etc.

In addition, adequate water should also be added. It is recommended to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, because water can promote metabolism, can speed up the elimination of toxins in the body, and can also help relieve symptoms related to new coronary pneumonia, such as dry mouth and constipation. Kennie pointed out that micronutrients are also very important for patients with new crowns after recovery, because fruits and vegetables contain the most diverse micronutrients, it is recommended to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

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Written by: Wu Zifeng

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