Skin cancer.. Signs on the skin and nails are alarming

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers and some of its symptoms can be detected by examining the nails.

There are 5 signs to watch out for on and around the nails that could indicate skin cancer:

The presence of a dark line

A dark line may appear on the nail, which is brown or black.

It is likely to appear on the thumb.

Dark skin next to the nail

When the skin around the nails becomes darker, it may be a sign of advanced melanoma.

Nail peeling

Peeling nails and the presence of a space between them and the skin is an indication of danger.

A bump under the nail

Pay attention if you notice something hard under your nails, it is advised to see a doctor immediately.

The appearance of a “mole” on the skin is also one of the indicators that should be paid attention to in this context.

In the event that they appear, the following things must be taken into account:

Melanomas usually have two very different halves and an irregular shape.

Its borders are serrated or jagged.

A combination of two or more colors.

Most melanomas are usually larger than 6 mm in diameter.

A mole that changes in size over time is more likely to be a skin cancer.

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