2023-06-16 07:44:42
As summer approaches, there is a great desire to spend as much time as possible outside in the sun. But beware of the harmful effects of UV rays! This week is precisely that of prevention and awareness of targeted skin cancer screening. Organized by the National Syndicate of Venereologist Dermatologists (SNDV), the 23e edition of this campaign is called “Save your skin” and aims to raise awareness of preventive actions once morest UV rays.
Skin cancer: widespread and dreadful
Skin cancer is cancer the most widespread in France with nearly 100,000 new cases each year, including more than 15,000 cutaneous melanomas (the most serious form of skin cancer). The main factor in the appearance of skin cancer remains excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, whether natural or artificial.
This shows how important it is to adopt good habits to prevent skin cancer.. Especially since in the case of cutaneous melanoma, survival depends on the stage at the time of diagnosis. It will therefore be necessary to:
- Conduct regular self-monitoring and screenings, especially for those at risk.
- Protect yourself from UV radiation.
To know ! The 5-year relative survival is 98% for cancer at the localized stage but only 15% for cancer at the metastatic stage.
The importance of screening and self-monitoring
Every year, during the week dedicated to the prevention of skin cancer, hundreds of dermatologists offer anonymous and free screening consultations. in dedicated centers. This screening is particularly important for people at risk (clear phototype, presence of moles, family history, etc.). It consists of a complete visual examination of the skin by the dermatologist to identify suspicious spots and moles. Depending on the type of lesion, it should be removed for analysis or simply monitored.
To know ! Equipped with a lighted magnifying glass, the dermatologist can see through the first layer of the epidermis. It thus identifies the presence or absence of a suspicious lesion.
Regular screening should be accompanied by a skin self-examination once every three months. To achieve this, nothing might be simpler, just follow the “ABCDE” rule by checking the following criteria:
- A for asymmetrical: the shape of the pigmented spot or mole is not circular and the two halves are not alike.
- B for irregular edges.
- C for uneven color.
- D for increasing diameter that exceeds 6 millimeters.
- E for evolution: a pigmented spot or a mole that changes appearance.
If a lesion is defined by at least two of the above criteria, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. Self-examination of the skin and regular visits to the dermatologist thus allow early detection of cutaneous melanoma.
To know ! Do not hesitate to regularly take photos of your moles in order to be able to assess their evolution.
National Skin Cancer Screening Week
In addition to being screening week, this week is also the week of prevention of skin cancer. Organized by the National Syndicate of Dermatologists – Venereologists (SNDV), the 23e edition of this campaign is indeed entitled “Save your skin”. Deployed in the form of a digital campaign (on Facebook and Instagram) and a poster campaign throughout France, this campaign has several objectives:
- Alert the general public to the risks of developing skin cancer.
- Raise awareness of preventive actions once morest natural (sun) or artificial (cabin) UV rays.
These UV prevention actions have been published by the National Cancer Institute and Public Health France:
- Avoid exposure between noon and 4 p.m. (when UV rays are most intense).
- Apply high protection sunscreen every two hours to uncovered areas.
- Prefer wearing dark clothes, wearing sunglasses and a hat/cap.
- Never expose a child under 3 to the sun, protect children and adolescents.
Everyone is therefore encouraged to follow these tips to be able to enjoy the sun without risking putting their skin in danger!
Published by Léa G., May 20, 2019. Updated by Alexia F., Dr in Neurosciences, on June 13, 2022. Updated by Déborah L., Dr in Pharmacy, on June 16, 2023.
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