Ski jumping: Pinkelnig won ahead of Seifriedsberger in Hinzenbach

Ski jumping: Pinkelnig won ahead of Seifriedsberger in Hinzenbach

Eva Pinkelnig won with 243.1 points (88.5/92.0), 2.9 points ahead of her teammate Jacqueline Seifriedsberger (88.0/87.0) and celebrated her 13th World Cup victory. Another competition is on the program in the Eferdinger Becken on Sunday (1:45 p.m./live ORF 1).

In the first World Cup competition following a three-week break, Pinkelnig was very narrowly (0.5 points) behind Seifriedsberger following the first jump and took the lead with the daily maximum distance of 92.0 m. “Mega cool. I improved well and showed good jumps in the competition,” said the 35-year-old from Vorarlberg in an ORF interview following her fourth win of the season.

Last year, Austria’s 2023 athlete of the year won once in Hinzenbach and once came second behind Chiara Kreuzer. “A double victory, that’s very special. I’ve only had that with Chiara before, now I’ve also been able to experience that with Jacqueline,” said Pinkelnig.

Picture gallery: World Cup jumping in Hinzenbach: The pictures from the first day

(Photo: Albert Mikovits (pictureshooting.AT)) Bild 1/111

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“More than satisfied”

Seifriedsberger was unable to convert her lead into her third World Cup victory following an extremely close first round, but was also happy with second place. “You want to win, but I can be more than happy with second place,” said the 33-year-old local hero from Upper Austria.

Jacqueline Seifriedsberger

Jacqueline Seifriedsberger
Image: (GEPA pictures)

Lisa Eder (81.5/88.0) improved from 17th place to eleventh place with a strong second jump. Ex aequo in 16th place went to Sara Marita Kramer (84.0/83.5) and Julia Mühlbacher (82.5/83.0), immediately followed by Chiara Kreuzer (81.5/83.5) in 18th place World Cup leader Nika Prevc from Slovenia took fourth place behind the German Katharina Schneider and extended her World Cup lead (999 points) ahead of Yuki Ito (797). Pinkelnig is in third place with 771 points.


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