Ski jumping: Kraft won both competitions at the summer opener

After his victory on Tuesday, the overall World Cup winner in France triumphed on Wednesday with a clear 21.7 point lead over Fredrik Villumstad (NOR). The second best of the ÖSV team, which competed with the best line-up except for Daniel Tschofenig, was Jan Hörl in fifth place in the second competition. The day before, Manuel Fettner came fourth.

“Cool motivational boost”

“It’s a nice snapshot. It makes me very, very happy that everything has gone well since the start of training and that a lot of things are right,” said Kraft, calling the summer competitions a “cool motivational boost in between.” The next competitions, however, are not for another month in Wisla, Poland.

In the women’s race in Courchevel, an Austrian, Jacqueline Seifriedsberger, was on the podium both times; the Upper Austrian came third and second. The winners were the Slovenian Ema Klinec and Sara Takanashi from Japan, each with a clear lead.



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