Six-year period of demagogy and misgovernment: CNL on AMLO

MEXICO CITY.- Mexico He went through a six-year period characterized by the demagogy and the misruleconcludes the Observatory of Catholic Citizenship and Social Analysis of the National Council of Laity (CNL).

He CNL questioned the effects of populism of the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in the country, and the lack of results of its policies.

“Populism is a phenomenon that has gained momentum and is characterized by basing its legitimacy […] in a speech that proposes and implements easy solutions to severe and complex economic, political and social problems.”

AMLO has represented this, he reproaches CNLsince the beginning of his six-year term when he stated that “governing is not a science.”

“Under Cuban leadership, the ruling left in Latin America has only generated dictatorship, political despotism and widespread poverty,” he denounces in his most recent report.

Demagogy and misgovernment, the result of AMLO’s six-year term

The report of the Political Academic Seminarshared by CNL, evaluate the effects of AMLO’s populist policy just weeks before the end of his six-year term.

“Mexico entered the labyrinth of governments characteristic of left-wing populism, with the arrival to the Presidency of López Obrador, a politician who emerged from the most remote corners of the most backward caciquismo in the history of the PRI,” he says.

AMLO’s six-year term has been characterized by “inefficiency and irresponsibility, supported by demagogy.”

This government has shifted “the responsibility for the country’s serious political, economic, and social problems to the rulers of the past,” he complains.

While they direct “their solution towards a future that never arrives.”

In Monday’s report, they assess the effects of AMLO’s six-year term in terms of economy, society, public security, and social policy.

They also analyze the misgovernance and demagoguery that have been present in the government.

Among the points that the CNL claims is that Mexico has not experienced economic growth and the most vulnerable sectors have been harmed.

This is despite AMLO’s “the poor first” slogan. In addition, the public health system was destroyed, among other things.

You can read the full report below:

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2024-08-29 23:30:16



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