six natural tips against intimate dryness

2023-06-05 14:16:53

Up to 85% of postmenopausal women experience vaginal pain during sex. Here are six tips from naturopath specialist Céline Hovette, so that sex after menopause rhymes with pleasure again.

In between 13% and 84% of postmenopausal women experience vaginal pain during sex. As Dr. Lauren Streicher, Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Feinberg, explains in the publication of a recent study on the subject, pain during intercourse can harm relationships, self-esteem of oneself and contribute to depression, anxiety but sexuality in women after the age of 50 is “marginalized” and gynecological care are not not prioritized, valued or even recommended “. That’s why today we bring you all the information you need to treat this disorder naturally or, if the symptoms persist, to better understand the possible causes.

Lack of estrogen, hysterectomy, causes of vaginal pain after menopause

Vaginal pain felt in post-menopause is often due to lack of estrogen (a hormone essential for vaginal lubrication and which drops to near zero after menopause). There are, however, other deeper causes, especially if you have undergone cancer treatment or a hysterectomy, which usually go undetected and untreated (see box below). This pain, also called “dyspareunia”, is sometimes such that many women avoid all sexual activity altogether.

Be that as it may, as Dr. Lauren Streicher reminds us: “Post-menopausal women shouldn’t accept painful sex as their new norm. Many women try over-the-counter lubricants but still have pain. These women, and sometimes their healthcare professionals, are unaware that there are other, more effective treatments. »

Indeed, a survey conducted in 2004 shows that 98% of middle-aged women have at least one sexual problem, but only 18% of their doctors have discussed the subject with them. We therefore suggest that you discover six natural solutions to rediscover pleasure during your intercourse. If despite everything, this did not work, the cause could be deeper than a simple estrogen deficiency and should then be treated via other medical procedures (read box below).

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Chemo, lichen, arthritis: the deeper causes of dyspareunia

If despite the implementation of natural solutions your vaginal dryness persists, it may be due to deeper causes that you can treat and investigate with your doctor. If you have, or have had:

    • A hysterectomy
    • And cancer treatment
    • And lichen scléreux (or any other vulvar disease)
    • Of the pelvic floor tension
    • And prolapse
    • A sexually transmitted infection
    • Of arthritis

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Be aware that the cause of your vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse may lie deeper and can be diagnosed and treated (for example by assessing your vaginal pH, using vaginal dilators, imaging or a vulvar biopsy ).

Evening primrose, borage, sea buckthorn: vegetable oils against vaginal dryness

Céline Hovette, naturopath specializing in female hormonal issues and creator of a menopause support program, remarks in her practice that intimate dryness is a ” common problem ” that touches ” a large number of women “, whether before or during menopause (and even at other periods of life), since, as she explains: “ Vaginal dryness can also affect women on hormonal contraceptives, or during and after pregnancy; about 25% of premenopausal women also face this problem. »

First, she advises vegetable oils of evening primrose, borage and sea buckthornrich in essential fatty acids, which are beneficial for maintaining the hydration and elasticity of the skin and mucous membranes, including the vaginal mucosa: ” These oils can help nourish vaginal tissues, reduce feelings of dryness and irritation, and improve overall comfort. » They are to be used:

  • Morning and evening in local application, for daily comfort. (Céline Hovette, however, specifying that, over long periods ” it is still better to opt for vaginal moisturizers»)
  • Right before or after sex (except when using a condom, which it can damage and with which it is not compatible.
  • in cures internally (or via food supplements), or even by integrating them into the diet (evening primrose, borage more specifically); following the recommendations given by the manufacturer on the packaging.

L’coconut oil is also useful. Thanks to its moisturizing and soothing properties, it can help strengthen the skin barrier and promote moisture retention in the vaginal tissues. Its antimicrobial and antifungal properties may also help prevent yeast infections. « very common during menopause »says Céline Hovette.

Finally, the aloe vera gel can help reduce irritation, itching and inflammation associated with vaginal dryness. It can also promote tissue regeneration and support the overall health of the vaginal lining.

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Lubricants and hyaluronic acid eggs, what you need to know:

For women looking for naturalness, vaginal moisturizers, ovules, intimate creams or gels containing natural ingredients such as witch hazel, aloe vera or blue lily of the valley (Vitex and Gundo) are often used to accompany vaginal dryness felt over a long period. But, as Céline Hovette advises her clients: “Be careful to read the labels carefully to avoid harmful ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, dyes, PEGs, silicones, propylene glycol, laureth sulfate, allergens and nanoparticles which are very often found in these products. » Concerning the hyaluronic acid eggsthe naturopath sometimes recommends them because she appreciates the powerful healing properties of this molecule which “ promote the healing of dry and irritated vaginal mucous membranes “. She recommends taking them twice a week to lubricate the inside of the vagina and prevent pain during intercourse. For longer term treatment, it is also possible to take hyaluronic acid capsules (in the form of a food supplement) internally, as a cure.

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Probiotics to strengthen the weakened vaginal flora after menopause

Probiotics are also a natural avenue to explore in the event of vaginal dryness linked to menopause. Allowing to restore the balance of the vaginal flora, they also improve hydration (by promoting the production of natural moisturizing substances) and strengthen the local immune system, thus reducing the risk of infections and irritations.

Céline Hovette particularly recommends the aptly named strain Lactobacillus curlatuseffective against intimate dryness, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis.

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Pollen and royal jelly to alleviate the symptoms of menopause

Recent scientific studies, and the clinical experience of therapists like Céline Hovette, show that bee products can be of great help in alleviating vaginal dryness associated with menopause. The naturopath is particularly fond of fresh pollenWho ” prevents skin aging and skin dryness by regenerating tissues and promoting collagen production ” as well as Royal jellywhich demonstrated, in a study published in 2004, its beneficial action on the symptoms of menopause, in particular vaginal dryness.

On the dosage side, take one gram of fresh royal jelly per day, combined with 2 teaspoons of fresh bee pollenin 3 week curerenewable if necessary (note: this treatment is contraindicated in the event of a history of hormone-dependent cancers).

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Gemmotherapy for your vaginal mucous membranes

A little bud, black alder bud, is also recommended to support the balance of the mucous membranes, including the vaginal mucosa. Its astringent and softening properties can help moisturize and soothe vaginal tissues.

On the advice of Céline Hovette, you can opt for a 3 week cure taken with the possibility of linking three cures in a row separated by a week of break. You should start feeling the first effects after three weeks.

Adaptogenic herbs to relieve vaginal dryness

In phytotherapy, Céline Hovette recommends two adaptogenic plants, commonly used to relieve vaginal dryness: Shatavari and Maca.

La Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to balance the hormonal system and alleviate the symptoms of menopause, including vaginal dryness. « While research on its specific effectiveness for vaginal dryness is limited, it can however be considered, in addition to other natural solutions. “says Céline Hovette.

As for yellow Maca, an adaptogenic plant native to Peru, studies suggest that it could alleviate the symptoms of menopause (including vaginal dryness), but the naturopath specifies that additional research is necessary to confirm these effects. « Either way, it can help the body better adapt to stress and regulate hormones. », which will always be an additional help to get through the sexual troubles that often accompany menopause.

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Reinforcement feeding

Finally, obviously, food remains a crucial parameter in our overall health, three simple tips to include in your daily meals will allow you to promote the reduction of vaginal dryness. For that : hhydrate yourself properly and throughout the day, regularly consume vegetable oils rich in alpha linolenic acid (ALA), a precursor of omega-3, such as perilla oil, camelina oil, linseed, walnut or rapeseed oil and consume two to three times a week small fatty fish such as mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring, trout, or eel.

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Under no circumstances is the information and advice offered on the Alternative Santé site likely to replace a consultation or a diagnosis formulated by a doctor or a health professional, who are the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.

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