Six measures to be safe from lightning

According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), a national organization for dealing with natural disasters and accidents in Pakistan, mobile phones should not be used to stay safe during lightning strikes.

In the context of recent rains and storms in many parts of the country, NDMA has issued six precautionary measures to be safe from lightning.

  1. According to the NDMA, experts say that lightning flashes and cloud thunder intervals of less than 30 seconds should be considered as danger signs.
  2. Do not travel on motorcycles and roofless vehicles during lightning.
  3. Stay away from tall buildings, trees, poles, hills, antennas and mobile towers.
  4. Do not use mobile phones during severe thunderstorms.
  5. Stay away from water bodies like canals, ponds, rivers, etc.
  6. Do not take shelter under any tree because the highest number of deaths due to lightning in the world are those who take shelter under trees.

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What is lightning?

Information material released by NDMA states that ‘Lightning is the current generated between the atmosphere and the earth.’

Generally, the electricity provided in homes has a current of 220 watts, while lightning can produce 30 thousand amperes of current.

Such a high current turns the lightning into a fire, which can cause a lot of damage.

#measures #safe #lightning
2024-07-06 20:28:11

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