Six departments issued an action plan for industrial energy efficiency improvement, and the proportion of green and low-carbon energy utilization will be significantly increased by 2025

Source Title: Six Departments Release Action Plan for Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement by 2025 The proportion of green and low-carbon energy utilization will increase significantly

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on the 29th that six departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the “Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Action Plan”. By 2025, the energy efficiency of key industrial industries will be improved in an all-round way, and the energy consumption per unit of added value of industrial enterprises above designated size will drop by 13.5% compared with 2020.

The action plan specifies the main goals and proposes that by 2025, the energy efficiency of key industrial industries will be comprehensively improved, the energy efficiency of key areas such as data centers will be significantly improved, the proportion of green and low-carbon energy utilization will be significantly increased, and energy-saving and efficiency-enhancing technology and equipment will be widely used. Standards, services and supervision The system has been gradually improved, and the energy efficiency of key products in industries such as iron and steel, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, and building materials has reached the international advanced level.

The action plan proposes to vigorously improve the energy efficiency of key industries, continuously improve the energy efficiency of energy-consuming equipment systems, coordinately improve the comprehensive energy efficiency of enterprise parks, promote the low-carbon transformation of industrial energy use in an orderly manner, actively promote the upgrading of digital energy efficiency, and continue to consolidate the industrial foundation for energy conservation and efficiency improvement. , accelerate the improvement of energy-saving and efficiency improvement systems and mechanisms and other seven tasks.

According to Xinhua



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