“Six Dead in Confrontation Between Organized Crime and Mexican Army in Hidalgo City, Michoacán”

2023-04-25 03:39:00

Written in NATIONAL he

A confrontation between members of organized crime, linked to the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG), and the Mexican Army left a preliminary balance six people deceasedfive armed civilians and a military element, during the afternoon of this Monday, according to a report from the agency Quadratin Michoacan.

The scuffle occurred in Hidalgo City, located 100 kilometers east of Morelia. After the attack, at least six people were arrested and placed at the disposal of agents of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR); one of the apprehended was injured during the confrontation with the military.

The elements of the Army also they seized 12 long weapons (rifle type), all with their respective chargers, and five vehicles used by members of organized crime; the confiscated weapons are for the exclusive use of the Army.

According to the first versions, the origin of this confrontation occurred when the military was ambushed by members of organized crime, in the limits of the municipality of Hidalgo with Maravatío. The State Prosecutor’s Office only confirmed the removal of six bodies, says Quadratin.

As a result of the acts of violence that have occurred in recent days, the Michoacán Public Security Secretariat (SSP) announced that the Army and the National Guard will reinforce public security in the following municipalities: Morelia, Cuitzeo, Tarimbaro, Indaparapeo, Charo, Huandacareo and Copandaro.

Violence does not subside in Michoacán

On the night of April 23, subjects opened fire on three people inside a private pantheon, located in Morelia, which left two dead and one wounded. The attackers fled aboard a white compact vehicle.

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Figures from the National Citizen Observatory (ONC) suggest that at least three intentional homicides in the municipality of Hidalgo, between the months of February and March 2023; while there are 35 records for intentional injuries, a rise of 6.25 percent.

In all of Michoacán there are 357 intentional homicides during the first quarter of 2023280 were committed with a firearm and 19 with a knife, according to figures from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP).

With information from Quadratín Michoacán

#Battle #Michoacán #confrontation #military #CJNG #leaves #dead

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