Six-day work: Kerameos fierce attack on Kasselakis for fake news 2024-07-21 10:13:53

In detail in her post she writes:

Unfortunately for Mr. @skasselakis decided to air his video regarding the so-called “six-day” work established in our country, on the day the first figures from the implementation of the measure were made public. And this data showed that the businesses that applied AND met the requirements of the law (24 hour operation 5-7 days a week with rolling shifts) are only 0.076% of the businesses in the country!

The data also show that 82.6% of the requests submitted by businesses were rejected precisely because they did not meet the requirements of the law. While from the “cutting edge” he made of my statement to ERT, he deliberately avoided mentioning the prohibition for the employer to require you to work every Saturday. Once once more, Mr. Kasselakis indulges in his favorite @syriza_gr combination of fake news and populism. And really, while today the possibility of a 4-day working day is being raised, why didn’t SYRIZA vote for it when the Government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis brought it to a vote and it became a law of the state? The Government seeks transparent labor relations, because only these ensure the rights of workers.

Six-day work: Only 17.4% of businesses that applied met the requirements

In detail, as the Ministry of Labor informs, in the period from July 1 to 15, 2024, the “ERGANI” Information System recorded the following data.

– Total number of employers in the country employing workers with a dependent employment relationship: 326,482 employers and 382,775 branches.

– A total of 690 companies for 1,671 branches applied for the use of the emergency work shift, i.e. 0.44% of the country’s branches have submitted an application.

– Of the 1,671 branches that submitted an application, 291 meet the requirements of the law (i.e. continuous operation 24/7 with rolling shifts or 24-hour operation 5 or 6 days with rolling shifts), i.e. 17.4% of applications and 0.076 % on all attachments.

– In the cases of non-legal affiliation using the measure, any work provided by employees is judged to be illegal and the prescribed sanctions are applied.

Kasselakis: With us as a government, the six-day work law is being returned from where it came from

“We became news around the world!” says Mr. Kasselakis in a video he posted on social media, citing foreign news media reports on the matter. Citing the statements of Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who had stated that the six-day work measure would be implemented with an employer-employee agreement, Mr. Kasselakis referred to the issue of the unequal relationship between the two sides, to the benefit of the employer. At the same point, he also commented on a statement by the Minister of Labor, Nikis Kerameos, who said that based on good morals, the employee cannot say “no” to the employer every Saturday, without a reason.

“If you say no, you’re fired. If you say yes, you’re quite simply melting six days a week. When in other advanced countries of Europe they are moving towards four-day work” said Mr. Kasselakis. “Is Greece a global guinea pig of neoliberalism?” he wonders and concludes in his post: “I don’t even need to say it. With us, this law returns from where it came from”.

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#Sixday #work #Kerameos #fierce #attack #Kasselakis #fake #news



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