Sittensen: terminally ill Einar (13) beaten up by classmates | news

The young life of Einar (13) has always been a single struggle. Because Einar is terminally ill, he was born with a series of organ malformations. Despite this, Einar never gave up and kept fighting his way back into life. Until now. Because three classmates abused him so badly at school that he lost his will to face life.

At the Ostetal comprehensive school in Sittensen, Einar was attacked by three classmates during the break

Photo: Schwarck Media

Sittensen (Lower Saxony), May 9th. During a five-minute break, Einar is attacked in the corridor of the Ostetal School by a girl and two boys from his class. They push the seriously ill boy, Einar wants to flee, but the small boy doesn’t stand a chance once morest his three classmates. “Is it true that you will die if we hit you?” the attackers are said to have asked.

Einar, who has a bladder catheter following kidney failure and whose cardiac output is only ten percent, is at the mercy of his attackers without any protection. The girl is said to have kicked him in the kidneys and one of the boys punched him in the stomach. When the bell rings for the next hour, the young people are said to have kicked him hard.

Einar drags himself to class. When a teacher asks him regarding his tardiness, the badly injured boy talks his way out – he is afraid of his classmates taking revenge. After class, Einar asks his school companion, who is taking care of the sick boy, to drive him home. There Einar immediately goes to bed and sleeps. Single mother Carmen H. (37) told BILD am SONNTAG: “I was totally clueless. Einar is often exhausted following a day at school.” He only tells her regarding the incident in the evening.

Einar’s mother Carmen H. (37): “It takes a lot of strength to get the boy back up.”

Photo: Schwarck Media

Carmen H. immediately calls the clinic and speaks to a doctor who recommends that Einar be given painkillers. The next day, Carmen H. takes him to the clinic and is sent away because the waiting times are too long. Only through a friend does she get an appointment with a doctor in Itzehoe. Two days following the attack – and not a minute too late! The blows threatened to collapse Einar’s kidneys. Risk of death!

Einar is now being prepared for an operation in the clinic to clarify the extent of the injuries. Carmen H. has filed a complaint once morest Einar’s three classmates. In terms of school discipline, the alleged attackers probably have nothing to fear.

The state education authority let BILD know on SONNTAG: “The incident was fully processed with the class.” Incomprehensible to Carmen H.: “You can even go on a class trip while Einar is lying here and in great pain!”

Nothing has been the same since the attack. His brother Aryan (15) was plagued by vigilantism. Carmen H.: “Carsten Stahl from Bündnis Kinderschutz helped him and us a lot.”

Buddy and comforter: Einar with the family dog ​​Pearl

Buddy and comforter: Einar with the family dog ​​Pearl

Photo: Schwarck Media

However, nobody can take away her great concern for Einar. Carmen H.: “Einar gave up, the attack tore his strength apart. He keeps saying he won’t be able to keep fighting this time.”

Photo: BILD

This article was published in BILD am SONNTAG



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