SITARAIL starts special freight to reach Abidjan

Caught with your cell phone behind the wheel? In Limburg you will soon lose your driving license for two weeks

From next week, anyone caught by the Limburg police using a mobile phone behind the wheel will lose their driving license for two weeks. The Limburg public prosecutor’s office said this on Saturday. “From February 1, 2024, anyone using their mobile phone or any other mobile device with a screen while driving a motor vehicle … Read more

The post Caught with your cell phone behind the wheel? In Limburg you will soon lose your driving license for two weeks appeared first on World Today News.

Young man shot dead in Casa Campo while celebrating his birthday

After fighting for his life for more than two months, the young Misael Andrés Ballesteros Iguarán, 25,…

The post Young man shot dead in Casa Campo while celebrating his birthday appeared first on Breaking Latest News.

They capture water vapor in the atmosphere of planet GJ 9827d

2024-01-27 04:15:35 Using the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have observed the smallest exoplanet in whose atmosphere…

The post They capture water vapor in the atmosphere of planet GJ 9827d appeared first on TIme News.

They capture water vapor in the atmosphere of planet GJ 9827d

SITARAIL starts special freight to reach Abidjan

While waiting for the effective resumption of the passenger train between Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso, the International Company of African Transport by Rail (SITARAIL) has set up special freight. This special service consists of making a collector available to traders at railway stations in Burkina Faso in order to transport their goods to Côte […]

The post SITARAIL starts special freight to reach Abidjan appeared first on News Directory 3.

SITARAIL starts special freight to reach Abidjan



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