Sit-in at Fleurimont Hospital | Agreement between the parties; court decision

2023-08-11 14:47:59

The conciliation session between the parties at the Administrative Labor Tribunal enabled them to reach an agreement on Friday, the day following a sit-inThursday, nurses from the operating room of the Fleurimont Hospital in Sherbrooke.

Administrative judge Myriam Bédard rendered a decision in which the parties made commitments for the future.

Thus, the union and its representatives undertake not to organize or encourage sit-in.

Likewise, the parties undertake to intervene immediately with the employees if a sit-in occurs, in order to resolve the problems without delay and the union undertakes to request the return to work of its members.

Thursday morning, starting at 8:30 a.m., members of the Syndicate of healthcare professionals working in the operating room at Hôpital Fleurimont took part in a sit-in for a few hours, dissatisfied with a change in practice announced by the management regarding “gifts of custody”.

Through these on-call gifts, nurses can transfer on-call shifts to co-workers – a sort of arrangement between themselves.

If these arrangements of schedules are the business of many, the management, she believes that this causes an overload of work and exhaustion for some. The management therefore announced that it was going to end the practice, which caused dissatisfaction and sit-in in the operating room.

In the Tribunal’s decision, which takes note of the parties’ commitments, they agree that these gifts of care will be tolerated at least for the next year, subject to the conditions determined between the parties, following consultation with the employees by the union.

It also mentions that this practice will be reassessed at the end of the year with the possibility of renewal.

Other commitments relate to the continuity of discussions between the parties and the steps to try to recruit more workers.

Given the commitments made by the parties, the employer withdrew its request to intervene before the court. And the Court took note of the commitments made by the parties with a view to ensuring that the public receives the services to which it is entitled.

The FIQ (Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé), which represents these healthcare professionals, argued that the nurses who made the sit-in Thursday morning had already returned to work Thursday followingnoon and that they had “remained available to intervene in the event of emergency situations”.

Several sit-in have affected Quebec hospitals over the years, with nurses finding themselves overworked and exhausted, due to understaffing and overtime, sometimes even compulsory.

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