Sirekap Used Again, Needem Will Raise More Concerns in Society

KPPS officers take pictures of the vote counting results during a simulation in Indramayu, West Java. (ANTARA FOTO/Dedhez Anggara)

Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) researcher Annisa Alfath assesses that the Sirekap application, which will be used again by the KPUD in the 2024 regional elections, is causing great concern among the public.

According to him, this was due to the failure of the system in the previous presidential election. One of the fundamental issues is complaints from the public regarding the inaccuracy of the data displayed.

“The fact that until now Sirekap data from the previous election is still inaccessible adds to doubts about the readiness of this technology to be used again,” he explained when contacted by Media Indonesia, Thursday (26/9).

He said that there were several things that needed to be paid attention to in implementing the KPU’s Sirekap application. First, regarding transparency and data access, until now the public and election observers have not had full access to Sirekap data.

“This creates an opening for data manipulation and reduces the level of public trust,” he explained.

Second, related to technological issues. Many users report that the app frequently goes down and is unstable. In countries with varying network infrastructures, the reliability of technologies like this must be thoroughly tested before being deployed on a large scale.

Also read: KPU Launches Sirekap Mobile, Sirekap Web, and Sirekap Public Information

“If there are no significant improvements, Sirekap has the potential to become the main cause of failure in the Pilkada,” he explained.

Apart from that, continued Annisa, data security and certainty that the data entered is safe and cannot be manipulated.

“With previous failures, it is natural that there are concerns about data security that could impact election results,” he explained. (Far/P-2)

#Sirekap #Needem #Raise #Concerns #Society



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