Sinwar’s autopsy report reveals details regarding how he was killed – Sky News Arabia Sky News Arabia

The Curious Case of Al-Sanwar‘s Demise: A Comedy of Miscommunication

Well, well, well, gather around, folks! It seems we have a juicy tale from the battlefield that sounds more like a slapstick comedy routine than real life. In the blue corner, we have our ‘hero,’ Dr. Chen Kugel, the forensic star of the autopsy show. Dr. Kugel has taken time out of his busy schedule (you know, saving lives and whatnot) to break down the rather chaotic end of Al-Sanwar, the Palestinian Hamas leader who met his unexpected finale in Rafah. So, hold onto your hats, because this summary reads like a poorly scripted action film!

Dr. Kugel, a director at the National Center for Forensic Medicine (what a title!), confirmed the MVP moment: Al-Sanwar was first hit in the arm by shrapnel. Now, was this unfortunate injury from a missile or a tank shell? Not even Dr. Phil could divinate that one! The forensic wizard also mentioned that Al-Sanwar, in all his wounded glory, decided to use an electric wire to tie his own arm, presumably thinking he was MacGyver. Spoiler alert: the DIY remedy did not hold up. His forearm was, and I quote, “shattered.” Now that’s the kind of twist you don’t expect in a surgeon’s story!

Then, as if it couldn’t get any juicier, Kugel confirmed our hero was turned into Swiss cheese by a gunshot. But wait—who fired the shot? When did it happen? What weapon was used? You might as well ask who really shot JFK at this point! Reports say the Israeli army claimed it was a routine patrol. I can’t help but wonder if they had a ‘Spot the Terrorist’ bingo card that day.

So, how did Sinwar find himself on the wrong end of a mission gone awry?

The plot thickens! Soldiers from the 828th Brigade were cruising through Rafah when they stumbled upon three Palestinian gunmen. It’s like a bad episode of a police drama—“The Chase.” In a heroic attempt at law enforcement, after chasing two gunmen like they’d stolen the last donut at a police bake sale, our brave Al-Sanwar decided to split off from the group. Perhaps he thought he was starring in a spy movie? You know how it goes—being a lone wolf never ends well.

Israeli forces, in a display of brute strength, opened fire from a tank at a building where Al-Sanwar was holed up. It’s almost like a game of hide and seek, but with explosive consequences. Then, in a moment that might as well be drawn with a “Wily Coyote” cartoon pencil, the army aired a video showing Sinwar chilling on a sofa in a dilapidated living room. A scene straight out of a horror film, I tell you! He was sporting an apparent injury on one hand while sporting a keffiyeh like it was a new fashion trend.

Now, hold onto your seats because it gets better! The blurred footage showed Sinwar spectacularly lobbing a stick at an approaching drone. A stick? Seriously? Talk about going out with a whimper! Just so we’re clear: The Israeli army didn’t exactly have a “we know where he is” map. They confirmed there was no prior intel about our man’s whereabouts. This wasn’t a precision strike; it was more like a happy accident!

After the dust settled, a DNA test (because apparently, dental records were not enough) confirmed that, yes, indeed, Sinwar had left this mortal coil. The irony? He had been in hiding since the infamous Hamas attack on Israel just a month earlier. You plan an unprecedented military coup, and all you get is a lackluster finale instead of a grand exit. Talk about a buzzkill!

In summary, the saga of Al-Sanwar reads like the funniest comedy sketch you never wanted to watch. Between shrapnel, makeshift bandages, and a dramatic escape in the least dramatic way possible, you can only wonder what might be next in this ongoing conflict.

Until next time, stay sharp and keep your electric wires handy—you never know when they might come in useful!

Dr. Chen Kugel, who supervised the autopsy, told the American newspaper that Al-Sanwar was first injured in the arm by shrapnel, perhaps resulting from a missile or tank shell.

The director of the National Center for Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv added that Sinwar apparently used an electric wire to tie his arm, but “it was not strong enough, and his forearm was shattered.”

Kugel confirmed that a gunshot killed Al-Sinwar, but the New York Times indicated that it is not clear who fired the shot, when it happened, and what weapon was used.

How was Sinwar killed?

The Israeli army announced that Sinwar was killed by routine patrol officers on Wednesday.
Soldiers from the 828th Brigade (Bislach) were moving through the city of Rafah when they encountered three Palestinian gunmen.
While the soldiers chased them, Al-Sanwar separated from the other two.
Israeli forces later fired from a tank at the building where two gunmen hid and at another building where Al-Sinwar hid.
– According to Israeli media and military officials, there was no prior intelligence information indicating the presence of Sinwar in the region.
The Israeli army broadcast a video clip taken “a few moments before” Sinwar’s killing, showing the Hamas leader sitting on a sofa in a destroyed living room on the first floor of a partially destroyed building. He was suffering from a serious injury in one of his hands while he hid his face with a keffiyeh.
– Blurred footage showed Al-Sanwar throwing a stick at an approaching drone during his last moments.
The Israeli army conducted a DNA test along with a dental examination and other forensic investigations that helped confirm Sinwar’s identity.
Sinwar has not appeared in public since the outbreak of war following the unprecedented Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, which he masterminded.
The killing of Sinwar was a strong blow to the Hamas movement, which has been fighting Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip for more than a year.



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