Siniora corrects Hariri’s words and calls on young people to return the “kidnapped state”!

Commenting on the call of the head of the Future Movement, Saad Hariri, the Sunnis and his supporters to boycott the parliamentary elections, former Prime Minister Fouad Siniora confirmed that “there are those who are trying to intentionally misinterpret Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s statements. Hariri did not ask the Sunnis not to vote, and he cannot do that in the first place.”

And he hoped, in a television interview today, Tuesday, that “the results of the change in the general mood of Lebanese Muslims will appear at the ballot boxes.”

He added: “Not being a candidate is a message to the Lebanese that we can work in the interest of the country without personal interest.”

He also expected “the Lebanese youth to turn out for the elections and contribute to the return of the hijacked state. The Lebanese citizen is required to believe now in the cause of the Lebanese people and the state.”

He concluded: “If the Lebanese do not vote in a massive way, others will take advantage of this and turn it into their own interests.”



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