Singing, the key to fighting the long Covid?


  • After the end of the first epidemic wave, the persistence of symptoms several weeks or months after the first manifestations was described in more than 20% of patients after more than 5 weeks.
  • Participants who hummed lullabies reported a 10.48 point decrease in shortness of breath while running, 8.44 points while climbing stairs and 2.72 while walking.

The life of people with long Covid is not a long calm river. Since being infected with the virus, these patients suffer from persistent fatigue, chest pain, headaches, digestive disorders or eye problems. Another symptom experienced by patients several weeks or months after contamination: “shortness of breath without effort or for minor efforts and the persistence of a cough are common”, indicates theHealth Insurance.

Sing lullabies for six weeks

In a recent study published in the journal The Lancet Respiratory Medicinea team of British scientists has revealed that singing could help overcome the respiratory symptoms of this long form of Covid-19. “We assessed whether a breathing and wellness program improved quality of life for people with persistent shortness of breath after infection,” the authors said.

For the purposes of the work, the researchers recruited 150 adults, over the age of 18, with long Covid. Patients suffered from continuous shortness of breath, with or without anxiety, at least 4 weeks after the onset of symptoms. They were divided into two groups. For six weeks, the first group followed a program called “Breathe” from English National Opera (ENO), during which they had to hum short, easy-to-remember lullabies with opera singers. The other volunteers received usual care. After this experiment, the participants had to rate their shortness of breath at rest or for light exertion and give a score out of 100.

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Thanks to singing, patients are less out of breath

According to the results, humming was associated with improved breathlessness scores. Put simply, humming lullabies made it easier for patients to breathe and catch their breath quickly. “Our results suggest that a breathing and wellness program can improve respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath, and mental health in people with persistent signs after Covid-19 infection. ‘mind, body and music, including practical and enjoyable symptom management techniques, may play a role in recovery’the authors concluded.

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