Sin Filtros: The Return to Television with Gonzalo Feito

2023-11-07 14:20:50

The television host, Gonzalo Feito, confirmed the return of Sin Filtros to the small screen.

After the abrupt end of the program (which apparently only coincided with the development of the Pan American Games), the communicator reported that the “long” wait will end today.

“I have BOMB for them!!!! I’ll wait for you today at 8:00 p.m., we’ll start with everything,” the former CQC wrote on his account. X.

The return of Sin Filtros

Meanwhile, the official account of the program also confirmed the news and gave the coordinates to its followers.

“See you today at 8:00 p.m.! VTR Channel 735HD, channels from our alliance that you can find on GTD Manquehue, ZAPPING TV, MUNDO and other cable operators throughout the country. And on YOUTUBE on our channel SinFiltros_TV”, they specified.

Read more:

– “They will not mute us”: Sin Filtros breaks the silence and explains his abrupt exit from the screen

– “Tell the truth, no matter how painful it may be”: Paty Maldonado’s failure after the unexpected end of Sin Filtros

#mute #Gonzalo #Feito #announces #bombshell #confirming #return #Sin #Filtros

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