Simulations over, it’s time for real exams – Lecco Channel News

Lecco took to the field with Milan Futuro BONACINA/LCN SPORT Reading time 4 minutes

And the day came Lepore. At home Lecco the poker cashed against the Juventus Next Gen has rung another alarm bell loud and clear: three goals from Milan Future at home – with no yellow cards -, four taken from the second Juventus team which is not in the moment of greatest splendor in its young history. Behind closed doors yes, but some indications have leaked out from connecting rod: after a first half of good quality and characterised by the now traditional “one shot – one goal” in charge – Yes, Graca decisive under the goal against Fall -, the carousel of substitutions in the second half completely turned the balance of the match in favour of the team Montero. Another sign that the theoretical second lines today are a step behind the potential starters. Large segment for Louakima on the right and some “holes” created by the transfer market: to give two examples, Dalmasso could end up in Messina and in the middle of the defense he was seen again Constantformer Primavera player who is not officially part of the First team. Having taken the beating, the team met at the “Rigamonti-Ceppi” on Saturday morning and then the return of the old “32” was made official: the reasons for his return to the team are also character traitsbecause the lack of charisma on the pitch seemed obvious. And it is no coincidence that the negotiation had already started about ten days ago but that the player quickly returned from Salento to put the annual agreement down on paper.

The return of the 39-year-old Lecce wildcard is not enough to magically solve all the problems, there is no point in getting too many illusions: he adds solutions in various phases, even when stationary, but Baldini he needs much more to get the answers he is looking for in terms of technique and tactics. And the results obtained, even though summer football is anything but the Gospel, suggest that he should be given the necessary material sooner rather than later: too many situations in the balance, he himself has clearly explained that he has only transmitted part of the concepts to the team because the transfer market makes its impact felt on a daily basis. Translated: the economic theme it is crucial, but by still waiting to complete the difficult exits before operating on the entry, the very real risk is that of accumulating further delay on what will be brought with us given the delays in the purchase and sale of the company. worksitein short, it is more open than one might initially think.

Certainly there will be no extenuating circumstances to be able to hold on the occasion of the debut with theUnion Clodiense: Sunday 25th all the pressure will be on the shoulders of the Leccoa newly relegated team that will host a newly promoted team with a decidedly young squad, with an average age of 23.

Buso: The request remains unsatisfied

Let’s get to the little-big soap opera of the summer that falls on the person of Nicholas Buso and daily adds details, rumors, speculations. After the offensive of the Catanzaro the situation has changed, the presence of a real offer from the higher category has led the player to listen to the sirens with the consequences of the case. The problem is that on the table of the Lecco no offer even comparable to the request has arrived and the ambitions of the class of ’00 cannot be satisfied to date: “unacceptable” is the adjective stuck to what the owners have received Alibertiwhich has no intention of selling off its jewel while remaining open to the sale. Yes, but under the right conditions. In the meantime, the Calabrians have taken Seck to then throw himself into French Livolant. For a few days now, however, we have been reading about the Sampdoria: the sports director Accardi has been following him for some time now – remember the winter interest of theEmpoli who also conducted a survey a few days ago – but certainly at the moment an exchange with the former has not been proposed Swirls. A situation that closely resembles the one that characterized the summer of 2021 of I’m going tolong sought after by Juventus N.G – where he ended up in January 2022 anyway – and then passed by the contract renewal.

Lecco, a summer without victories

This is the program of the blue and sky blue summer, with the relative results:

  • Sunday 28th July – 17 – Veronello Resort – triangular with ChievoVerona (0-0) e Vogherese (0-0) behind closed doors;
  • Sunday 4th August – 6.00 pm – “Rigamonti-Ceppi” stadium – Lecco 0-0 Sondrio;
  • Saturday 10th August – 9.00 pm – “Rigamonti-Ceppi” stadium – Lecco 0-3 Milan Future – first round of the Italian Serie C Cup;
  • Friday 16 August – 18.00 – “Pozzo-La Marmora” stadium – friendly Juventus OF 4-1 Lecco behind closed doors;
  • Sunday 25th August – 18.00 – “Rigamonti-Ceppi” stadium – Lecco-Union Clodiense – first day of Serie C.



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