A simple blood test to predict heart disease 30 years in advance?

2024-09-04 13:00:06

Could a simple blood test prevent heart disease risks decades in advance?

A promising new study suggests a blood test could predict cardiovascular risk in women 30 years earlier than current methods.

Image d’illustration Pexels

What if this test became an essential weapon of prevention? This test is based on three biomarkers: two types of fat and an indicator of inflammation, capable of drawing a precise profile of the health cardiac.

Cardiovascular diseases (strokes, myocardial infarctions, heart failure, etc.) are the leading cause of death among women in France, even ahead of cancers. A sedentary lifestyle, stressalcohol, tobacco andobesity accentuate these risks. The methods of screening Traditional ones often focus on the only cholesterol LDL, thereby neglecting other key markers.

Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston studied nearly 28,000 women for 30 years. The results show that three biomarkers offer a more precise prediction of cardiac risks over thirty years. In addition to LDL cholesterol, they identified lipoprotein (a) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as determining factors.

Women with the highest levels of these three biomarkers had a 1.5-fold increased risk of stroke and a three-fold increased risk of coronary heart disease. This raises the importance of not limiting ourselves to a single indicator, but of combining these three factors for a more accurate assessment.

The combination of these markers shows how inflammation and blood fats interact to increase risk. For example, high CRP signals simmering inflammation, which can worsen the effects of LDL cholesterol on the arteries.

Researchers suggest integrating these tests into medical routine for early detection and more targeted prevention. By adapting treatments and recommendations, it would be possible to reduce risks well before symptoms appear.

These findings, although focused on women, could also apply to men, offering immense potential for improving global cardiovascular health.

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