Simple At-Home Test to Check for Magnesium Deficiency

2023-12-22 09:09:14

A simple experiment

Magnesium is an element vital to our body. It is involved in the conversion of food into energy, the synthesis of proteins and hundreds of other biochemical reactions. Thanks to magnesium, the heart beats smoothly, muscles contract in a timely manner, and bones remain strong.

Due to a lack of magnesium, the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases, vitamin D is poorly absorbed, and the concentration of calcium in the blood decreases. It turns out that one simple test can help identify magnesium deficiency in the body and therefore take action. Infectious disease doctor and nutritionist Svetlana Ishchenko spoke regarding this. The test can be done at home.

You need to take an elastic band or cuff from a tonometer and place it on your shoulder. The cuff needs to be inflated for 2-3 minutes. If you are using a tourniquet, it should apply pressure to your shoulder for 3 minutes.

“If you have a magnesium deficiency, then tetanic contracture of the arm (hand) occurs and your hand will look like an “obstetrician’s hand,” explains the doctor on his social network account. — With magnesium deficiency, neuromuscular excitability develops with a predominance of spasticity over relaxation. That’s why the hand is so crooked.”

“Obstetrician’s hand” is a convulsive contraction of the fingers, as a result of which the hand bends at the wrist joint.

Previously, we reported on a simple life hack for losing weight without sports or diets.

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