Simone Signoret: Double murder, trial… Her unsuspected link with Jean-Jacques Goldman

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Simone Signoret was a brilliant actress, particularly sparkling in The life ahead, broadcast this Monday March 18 at 8:55 p.m. on Arte. She was also a committed woman, raised in a bourgeois environment in Neuilly, of course, but determined to position herself politically on the left. In particular, she has already declared that she is “born (…) one evening in March 1941 on a bench at the Café de Flore”during his meeting with a group of friends from the Octobre group, a workers’ theater troupe whose ideas were close to communism.

Listed with Yves Montand as a “travel companion” of the French Communist Party (PCF), she then got involved in numerous battles. She did not hesitate, in the 1970s, to defend Pierre Goldman, the half-brother of Jean-Jacques Goldman, during his cassation appeal. This charismatic intellectual, haunted by his fight against anti-Semitism and fascism, was accused of the double murder of pharmacists in Paris, at a time when the death penalty was still authorized in France.

He thus risked his head. But after a first judgment which had sentenced him to life imprisonment, he was acquitted, following a second highly publicized trial, during which he was supported by Simone Signoret, but also by Simone de Beauvoir, François Mitterrand or Maxime Le Forestier, who then wrote the song for him A man’s life. His brother Jean-Jacques, to be found this Monday evening on NRJ12 in Fan of the 80swas present among the audience.

Pierre Goldman did not, however, escape prison, since he was convicted of three robberies, which he confessed to. After six years of imprisonment, he was released, before being tragically murdered in the street, in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, on September 20, 1979. Those responsible for the murder were never found.

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Jean-Jacques Goldman, discreet as always

Coming back to Jean-Jacques Goldman, director Cédric Kahn would have liked to have his opinion on his film The Goldman Trialwhich tells the story and which triumphed at the César a few weeks ago. “I would love for him to see the film and tell me what he thinks of it. Mbut as he has always remained very discreet about this matter, I did not ask him.”, he declared last September for Nice-Matin.

Jean-Jacques Goldman is actually not the type to speak up, preferring to stay in the shadows, with his family. But he made a very rare confidence about his half-brother for the journalist Magali Serre, in 2017, during a Supplementary Investigation which had been devoted to him. “I had very little contact with my brother Pierre and neither his personality nor his career had a particular impact on me.”, he then simply declared.

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