Simon Malinowski – Irisa

Simon Malinowski – Irisa


  • 2014-:

    Associate Professor,
    Univ. Rennes 1, IRISA, Team Linkmedia

  • 2013-2014:
    Post doctoral researcher at FEMTO-ST, Besançon on time series mining for prognostics

  • 2012-2013: Assistant Professor at AgroCampus Ouest, Rennes, France, on time series mining

  • 2011-2012:
    Post doctoral researcher at INESC, Porto, Portugal, on machine learning applied to anomaly detection in network enterprise data

  • 2008-2010:
    Teaching assistant at the Université de Rennes 1 in computer science and signal processing

  • 2005-2008:
    PhD Thesis in the TEMICS project (IRISA), on joint source/channel coding for wireless transmission

  • 2005:
    Master Thesis in the TEMICS project (IRISA), on soft decoding of variable length codes

  • 2004-2005:
    Master Degree in Signal and Image Processing at the Université de Rennes 1

  • 2004:
    One semester of courses in the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, University of Newcastle, Australia

  • 2002-2005: Engineering Degree at the National School of Telecommunications of Brittany

Current research interests

  • Motif extraction in multimedia data
  • Data mining, particularly time series mining
  • Motif extraction in time series
  • Machine learning for time series
  • Time series classification
  • Time series indexing

Some past research interests

  • Source coding/decoding, joint source and channel coding
  • Distributed arithmetic coding


Exported from HAL. Group by type or year.

Retrieving publications from HAL

Teaching (french version only)

AgroCampus West, Rennes (2012-2013)

  • Algorithms and Programming in Python – 33h eq. TD, including 8h CM
    Level: 2nd year Agricultural Engineer diploma, equivalent to M1
    Keywords: algorithm basics, using Python

  • Algorithms and Programming in Python, application to image processing – 40h eq. TD, including 12h CM
    Level: Master 1 Geography, Image Course
    Keywords: algorithm basics, using Python, image processing

  • Databases and programming in R – 50h eq. TD
    Level: 1st year Agricultural Engineer diploma, equivalent to L3
    Keywords: relational databases, SQL, algorithms, use of R

  • Machine learning – 15h eq. TD, including 6h CM
    Level: Master 2 Geography, Image Course
    Keywords: supervised and unsupervised learning methods, remote sensing image application

  • Computer application development methods, 16h eq.TD
    Level: 2nd year Agricultural Engineer diploma, equivalent to M1 Keywords: object concepts, UML diagrams

  • Object programming with Java, 33h eq.TD, including 8h CM
    Level: 2nd year Agricultural Engineer diploma, equivalent to M1 Keywords: object modeling, inheritance, polymorphism, Java language

Univ. Rennes 1 and scientific preparatory classes, Chateaubriand high school, Rennes (2005 – 2010)

  • Image and video compression – 45h eq.TD including 24h CM
    Level: 3rd year ESIR Rennes Engineering diploma (eq. Master 2)
    Keywords: Information theory, entropy coding, JPEG-MPEG standards

  • Image processing (16h eq.TD)
    Level: 2nd year ESIR Rennes Engineering diploma (eq. Master 1)
    Keywords: filtering, Fourier transform, wavelets, morphology, segmentation, seam carving

  • Vision (25h eq.TD)
    Level: 3rd year ESIR Rennes Engineering diploma (eq. Master 2)
    Keywords: hidden Markov chains, estimation, image descriptors…

  • Introduction to algorithms and programming (~200h eq.TD)
    Bachelor’s degree 1, Bachelor’s degree 2 and Master’s degree CCI, scientific preparatory classes
    Keywords: variables, program structures, loops, data structure, Java, C, Mathematica, Scilab

  • Office automation (32h eq.TD)
    Licence 1
    Keywords: word processing, spreadsheet, slideshows

  • Databases (10h eq.TD)
    Master CCI
    Keywords: relational algebra, queries, SQL, data sharing, concurrency

  • Statistics (6h eq.TD)
    1st year of ESIR Rennes Engineering diploma (eq. Licence 3)
    Keywords: descriptive statistics, usual distributions, correlation, correlation test, hypothesis testing

Simon Malinowski – Irisa



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