Sima/Blum: Vienna releases another 150 traffic lights for cyclists to turn right when red | PID press

After a strict inspection by the authorities, further improvements for cycling in the city of over a million inhabitants

Vienna (OTS) Good news for Vienna’s cyclists: the city is rolling out the right turn on red over a large area, in a next step Vienna will release a further 150 traffic lights for cyclists to turn right on red. Vienna was the first city in Austria to allow right turns on red at 10 traffic lights immediately following the new road traffic regulations came into force in autumn. Now the offer is being expanded over a large area, a real big bang for Vienna’s cyclists!

The intersections proposed by the magistrate, the population and the districts were of course examined in detail in advance by MA 46 – traffic organization and technical traffic matters. “We consistently promote cycling in Vienna. On the one hand with the intensive expansion of the cycle paths, in which we invested 26 million last year. On the other hand, with improvements in daily traffic, such as now with the option of turning right on red. But one thing is clear: the safety of all road users must be guaranteed, so all locations have been checked carefully,” says City Councilor for Mobility Ulli Sima. In particular, routes were selected where there are bicycle traffic facilities before and following turning – i.e. you turn from one bike path into another – and so that no conflicts with other road users arise. “By the way, Vienna is the only city in Austria that makes use of this opportunity to this extent, which makes us pioneers nationwide,” emphasizes Sima.

Signposting of the crossings in April

“The option of being able to turn off a red light reduces waiting times and makes cycling even more attractive as a mode of transport for getting around Vienna quickly,” says Martin Blum, Vienna’s cycling traffic officer. He emphasizes: “It is very important that you can only turn right on a red light if the location is marked with a corresponding sign. In any case, you have to stop and make sure that you are not endangering yourself or others.” The legal basis is the Road Traffic Act. MA 46, as the responsible road traffic authority, has checked numerous locations brought in by the districts and the population. 150 locations were found to be suitable. These are now being officially negotiated with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. From April, the corresponding signs will be hung up at the prescribed locations.


Questions & contact:

Sophia Schoenecker
Mediensprecher StR’s Ulli Sima
Phone: +43 1 4000 82182
Mobile phone: 0676/8118 82182



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