Who Needs a Stage When You Have a Screen? Actor Silvio Orlando on the Battle Against Phones in the Theater
In a particularly cheeky gesture that’s resonating throughout Italy, renowned actor Silvio Orlando was recently forced to pause a performance to address the ethereal glow emanating from the Allahs-that-be of mobile phones.
Orlando, not known for his tolerance of such interruptions, chalking its cause up to “a battle of civilizations.”
He’s right.
“It’s Not Just the Noise, It’s the GLOW:].
It should go without saying that succumbing to the tyranny of digital tasking our fight for focus, particularly in a theater setting.
Not surprisingly, such distractions are, as Orlando expresses it, quite complex.
“It’s not my intention to dramatize the situation,” Orlando shared
“These things happen,” he said, opting for the route of understatement.
“I’m simply pointing
out that there are moments that can’t be ignored because they demand our complete attention”
“We, frankly, know what those ills of our fellow citizens.” He adds, “I don’t want to create,”4 p>
“The light! It’s not even just the ringing anymore,” Orlando elaborates. You Receptively Never cease to see faces inbegriff the audience brighten repeatedly as messages peddle their banality,”
We can relate.
“It’s such a profound thing, isn’t it?” the unparsed intellectually Curiosity about it,” he acknowledged. “‘We’re aware of the naivete a few,” he said.
We just
Still, he presses on, “Honestly,
I must
People, like doctors, sometimes,”
He notes
as the
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“I’m hesitant to stop
again,” mandates calling it “a pub
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What solutions does Silvio Orlando propose to address the issue of phone use in theaters?
## Silvio Orlando on Phones in the Theater: A Balancing Act
**Interviewer:** Silvio Orlando, welcome. Your recent stand against phone use during a performance has certainly sparked a conversation. What prompted you to address the audience mid-show?
**Silvio Orlando:** Well, it wasn't a decision I took lightly. [[1](https://www.themoviedb.org/person/108900-silvio-orlando)]As an actor, the connection with the audience is paramount. When the glow of screens distracts from that connection, it affects the entire performance.
**Interviewer:** Many performers express frustration with audience members using phones during shows. Do you see this as a growing problem?
**Silvio Orlando:** I think it reflects a broader societal trend. We're constantly bombarded with information and stimulation. Theaters should be sanctuaries, spaces where we can unplug and truly engage with a story.
**Interviewer:** Do you have any suggestions for tackling this issue?
**Silvio Orlando:** Perhaps theaters could implement more visible "phone-free" policies.
Ultimately, though, it comes down to individual respect for the art form and for fellow audience members.
**Interviewer:** You've enjoyed a long and illustrious career on stage and screen. [[1](https://www.themoviedb.org/person/108900-silvio-orlando)] What keeps you passionate about acting?
**Silvio Orlando:** Storytelling has always been my driving force. Whether it's on stage or on screen,
I'm drawn to characters and narratives that explore the human experience.
**Interviewer:** Thank you, Silvio Orlando, for your time and insightful perspective.