Silvina Luna’s Intensive Care Update: Health Status, Treatment, and Recovery

2023-07-05 02:50:27
Silvina Luna (Credit: Franco Fafasuli)

The model and actress Silvina Luna continues to be admitted to intensive care at the Italian Hospital. According to what the journalist Ángel De Brito reported on Tuesday night on her social networks, the doctors tried to remove her from the respirator, but they had to reverse her decision. “She does not have the strength to breathe without mechanical help,” said the journalist on his Twitter account.

In the medical report that was released on Monday afternoon, it was specified that the former Big Brother had required mechanical ventilatory assistance due to her generalized muscle weakness. “Currently, she continues on mechanical ventilation, she is awake and with stable vital signs. She will remain hospitalized in the Intensive Care service, where additional studies will be carried out and they will provide the necessary treatments ”, they completed from the medical direction.

Ángel de Brito’s tweet

Luna had suffered a slight setback in her state of health last Saturday, so the specialists decided to intubate her again so that her airways were open. The decision was made as a result of the problems that the model presents in her lungs, after the KPC bacterium was detected in her.

Days ago, Dr. Guillermo Capuya provided details to Teleshow about what it is about and what is the true severity that it presents. “Actually, KPC is a superbug, because it is a multi-resistant bacterium. It is Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase, that is what it is scientifically called, which, of course, affects people with weaker health, such as those who are immunosuppressed and gives serious infections”, the doctor began by explaining.

Later, Capuya referred to its seriousness. “It is a very complex bacterium, because the treatment is long and sometimes requires multiple combinations of antibiotics to find those that manage to combat it. Seven, eight and up to ten antibiotics may be required to eradicate it”.

“He has no strength to breathe without mechanical help,” said journalist Ángel de Brito on his Twitter account.

Regarding the way in which it could have been infected, the doctor in charge of Institutional Relations of the Finochietto Sanatorium said that it is very frequent in patients who are hospitalized. “It can be contracted through catheters, from saliva, by contact. The truth is that when doctors have a culture with KPC it is a complicated problem, very complicated because this bacterium has the capacity to resist most antibiotics and can give generalized infections causing sepsis. It usually occurs mainly in intensive care units in hospitals precisely because of the weakness in their body that patients who are hospitalized there present.

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“The treatment to combat it consists of specific antibiotics that can be given for approximately 10 to 14 days, combining them with each other. One of those commonly used is Polymyxin B and Tigecycline, among others”, concluded the specialist.

For his part, the infectologist Eduardo López spoke in América Noticias (America) and stressed that KPC is the bacterium that most complicates doctors. “It is difficult to treat but together with the work of the laboratory and the infectious disease doctors, they will decide which antibiotics to give the patient and in what dose to combat it. I also believe that, without knowing anything about Silvina Luna’s condition, if they took her off the respirator it is because the patient’s management is good and because she is responding to the antibiotics they are giving her. You have to start giving antibiotics that are suitable for this bacterium and sometimes many drugs are associated to improve the effect ”, he highlighted.

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#Silvina #Lunas #health #respirator #decision

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