Silverfish: here are 5 effective tips to get rid of them

Attracted in particular by humidity and heat, the silverfish, a species of insect of about 1 cm with silvery scales, sometimes infests housing. Although it is harmless to humans, it can however attack books, clothing or food. Here are 5 tips to keep it away.

Silverfish are easily recognizable. Also called “silverfish”, these nocturnal insects of about 1 cm have silvery and shiny antennae and scales, hence their name. They tend to occupy certain humid, dark and warm places, such as under furniture, bathrooms, garages etc. They feed mainly on paper, fabric and starch.

Harmless to humans, silverfish can however, in addition to causing property damage, be indirectly dangerous to health because they are likely to contaminate food. However, there are tricks to fight against their reproduction.

Avoid moisture concentration

Humidity is one of the main causes of the proliferation of silverfish, which is why it is important to ventilate the rooms of the house regularly.

If the presence of the insect is too important, the purchase of a dehumidifier may also prove to be very useful.

Apply diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth, a siliceous sedimentary rock of organic and fossil origin, is also formidable against humidity.

Applying this white powder to the infested areas will dry out the silverfish and thereby eradicate them.

Set up traps

Designing traps is also an option of choice to neutralize the insect. A simple mixture of sugar and baking soda, placed in areas likely to be colonized, can be of great help. Since baking soda is deadly to silverfish, pests will die from ingesting this mixture.

Along the same lines, placing sugar at the bottom of a deep enough glass can be a trap to capture the enemy. Once in the container, the silverfish will indeed be prisoners, completely unable to ascend and climb the smooth surface of the glass.

Use spices

Another, milder solution can be to use spices with strong scents that will repel small animals. Cloves, for example, placed in furniture and cupboards, will scare them away.

vaporize essential oils

Finally, like spices, essential oils are effective in repelling silverfish.

Whether they are lemon, mint, lavender, the simple fact of spraying them in the right places helps to get rid of insects.

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