Silver tsunami. How can a woman prepare for menopause?

Today, a new term “silver tsunami” has appeared in the scientific and popular literature, which describes the rapid aging of the planet’s population. The 21st century will become the age of people at an older age: people are living longer and longer, and science has not yet learned how to return the bygone youth. There is only one way out – to extend the period of active life, take care of your health and learn to maintain interest in everything for as long as possible.

It is necessary for a woman to think regarding her future already at the age of 40, long before the onset of menopause, says Vera Balan, head of the MONIIAG polyclinic department, MD, professor, doctor of the highest qualification category, to

What is the essence of menopause?

This is a natural process in a woman’s body, in which the body is rebuilt from childbirth to a period when this will be impossible. Often, menopause is accompanied by:

  • progressive chronic diseases;
  • tides;
  • sweating and other unpleasant manifestations.

The average age of menopause for women is 51 years. Some may experience unpleasant antecedents following the age of 40. It is at this moment that the body is undergoing an important restructuring.

“The transition to menopause is a period when hormonal changes have already begun, but a woman can still become pregnant and give birth to a child,” the specialist notes. At this time, “fog in the head” may already manifest itself, which is a harbinger of future cognitive problems.

Urinary tract infections and even episodes of urinary incontinence may also become more frequent. This period lasts from several months to several years, in women who smoke it can begin a couple of years earlier, the doctor warns.

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“Before the ovaries stop producing estrogen, following the age of 40-45, a real hormonal storm begins in the body of a still young woman. Hormones are produced either a lot, or a little, and such an unstable situation can last for years, ”says Vera Balan.

This imbalance worsens the woman’s mood.

“Also, a shortening of the cycle will indicate the approaching menopause: there can be both shorter discharge times and long delays or no bleeding. In this case, single follicles remain in the ovaries, which continue to produce hormones. During this period, it is worth visiting the doctor regularly, as cysts may form, which is fraught with surgery. Moreover, it is important to understand that formations can be both benign and malignant, ”explains the specialist.

This process also has an effect on the uterus – hyperplasia (enlargement) of the endometrium is manifested here, polyps develop.

“The best thing a woman can do for herself here is not to ignore regular visits to the doctor and ultrasound following 40 years,” the doctor advises.

It is also necessary to take smears for oncocytology, so as not to miss the development of cancers.

Maybe endure?

60-80% of women experience neurovegetative disorders at the onset of menopause:

  • hot flashes;
  • headaches.

“But there are other symptoms that can accompany a woman for a very long time, if not all her life. These include unmotivated anxiety, depression, deterioration in concentration, attention, memory, and a decrease in the quality of sleep. The risk of developing hypertension, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, osteoporosis is high, ”Vera Balan lists.

In 10% of women, even 10 years following the end of menstruation, these symptoms persist, and in 16% of women, they continue to persist even over the age of 70.

“At the same time, one should not suffer and endure, practically all these unpleasant symptoms can and should be strived to prevent and reduce their impact on life. And it is best to deal with them not when they first appeared, but in advance, ”advises the specialist.

Salvation plan

So, for example, in case of mood problems, you should not ignore the recommendation to use sedatives – with their help it will be easier to adapt.

In addition, it is worth taking care of metabolic changes – the initial measure is weight loss. This is especially important for women with abdominal obesity, when everything is deposited on the sides and abdomen. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, you should consult a nutritionist.

Vera Balan notes that it would also be useful to give up smoking.

“This habit increases the risk of neurovegetative symptoms of menopause by 60%. According to scientists, it has a much greater impact on the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms than a low level of physical activity, a lack of good nutrition, or excessive coffee consumption, ”the expert warns.

Special attention should be paid to hormonal changes – here you should consult your doctor regarding prevention options. “The most effective way to cope with most of the unpleasant symptoms in perimenopause and in menopause itself is to get the missing estrogen and progesterone from the outside.

Today, for hormone therapy of this kind, tablets, gels, patches and implants are produced. For starters, they can offer low dosages, which will be enough to feel good and provide prevention, ”says Vera Balan.

The fears of such therapy are exaggerated. After all, all drugs are prescribed only according to the results of examinations and taking into account contraindications.

Additional measures

Vera Balan notes that there are additional measures to correct the daily regimen that will help you survive hormonal changes. Among them, the specialist lists:

  • Healthy eating – it costs less to eat, but more often, it is advisable to refuse or reduce saturated fats, salt, sugar in the diet, replacing them with plant foods, whole grains.
  • Vitamin D intake – it promotes the absorption of calcium, is necessary for the health of the heart, bones, immunity, maintains cholesterol levels.
  • Refusal of alcohol and caffeine.
  • Regular physical activity – you should devote time to classes for at least half an hour a day, and you should also add walking to your regimen.
  • Doing Kegel exercises.
  • Getting rid of stress – it is worth mastering techniques that calm the nerves.

The main thing is not to ignore your well-being and not self-medicate at the same time. Then it will be possible to survive this period as comfortably as possible.

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