Silver Health: Addressing the Changing Needs of Aging Populations for a Healthier Future

2023-09-17 14:47:41

We are currently experiencing a demographic change around the world, as populations age, the health care of older adults occupies an important place in the general well-being of society. With life expectancy increasing as the baby boomer generation approaches old age, it is essential to pay attention to what some have called “Silver Health.”

The population is changing rapidly in societies and the figures reflect an increasingly aging population. To give an example in the United States, it is estimated that, in 2030, more than 70 million people will be 65 years old or older. In Mexico, Inegi estimated in 2022 there will be around 18 million adults over 60 years of age, which represents around 14% of the general population. This undoubtedly presents both areas of opportunity and challenges for health and society as a whole.

One of the main challenges is for older adults to have access to quality and adequate medical care from personnel who are experts in the health care of this population. Technology will play a crucial role in this regard. Telemedicine, for example, allows elderly people to receive medical care from the comfort of their home without having to travel. Which is especially important in areas far from large human settlements where the availability of health services is different. Promoting a healthy lifestyle throughout life is also essential to preserve quality of life during old age and thus have healthy aging.

“Silver Health” is a public health issue and a paradigm shift in population dynamics; society has never had this life expectancy, and the population pyramid has never had so little childhood; which implies a challenge in the dynamics of society. We must commit to analyzing these changes and the way we will have to face them in the future; how to maintain the health of our populations. This implies not only access to medical care, but also the creation of friendly and technologically appropriate communities for the care of older adults, where they can enjoy a full quality of life.

We will be facing a new generation that requires our attention and action. We must invest in research in pursuit of the well-being of our older populations and promote active and healthy aging. Understand that we will face the advent of emerging diseases as a result of the change in human life expectancy. It’s time to become aware of “Silver Health” and work together towards a healthier future.

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