Silt and floods stop the turbines of the Renaissance Dam.. a recent photo reveals

Despite the announcement by the Ethiopian authorities that they are seeking to complete the Renaissance Dam construction project In less than two years, it explained that it is operating the rest of the turbines in the dam and preparing for the fourth filling, but a recent photo taken yesterday, Wednesday, confirmed the opposite, by stopping the operation of the turbines.

And the Egyptian expert, Dr. Abbas Sharaki, revealed to Al that the satellite images showed The two turbines installed by Ethiopia continue to stop More than a month ago for technical reasons, including the severity of the flood and the large number of sediments and impurities from the remains of plants and trees that impede the movement of operation, as well as silt, with the lack of a strong network for the transmission of electric current.

Ethiopia inaugurates the second turbine of the Renaissance Dam and begins producing electricity

Unprecedented discharge of the dam’s water

He said that the Damazin gauge on the Sudanese-Ethiopian border recorded yesterday, Wednesday, an unprecedented discharge of water from the Renaissance Dam in September during the past two years, reaching 614 million cubic meters, an increase of 108 million cubic meters over the same day last year.

He explained that the month of September recorded a significant increase in the amount of rain by regarding 42%, and is higher than the average rainfall in September of the year 2021, which was also high by regarding 32%, explaining that on August 11, the second turbine in the Renaissance Dam was opened and operated, but with weak Water The satellites did not capture any pictures indicating its operation.

The end of the third filling and an Egyptian warning

Last August, the Ethiopian authorities announced the completion of the third filling of the Renaissance Dam, storing quantities of up to 22 billion cubic meters, and passing water through the middle passage of the dam.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said at the time that the height of the dam had reached 600 metres.

It is noteworthy that the Egyptian Foreign Ministry had confirmed in a letter to the Security Council that the Ethiopian behavior is a clear violation of the Declaration of Principles Agreement concluded in 2015 and a grave violation of the applicable rules of international law, which obligate Addis Ababa, as the upstream country, not to harm the rights of the downstream countries, explaining that Egypt will not tolerate With any prejudice to their rights or their water security or any threat to the capabilities of the Egyptian people, for whom the Nile River represents the only lifeline.



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