Silent Killer in the Shadows: The Growing Menace of Lung Cancer Among Non-Smokers


Lung cancer is not only experienced by the elderly, but young people can also experience it. Likewise, those who don’t smoke can also get lung cancer.

Internal medicine specialist consultant hematology-oncology Dr Dr Andhika Rachman SpPD-KHOM said the type of lung cancer most often suffered by non-smokers is adenocarcinoma.

This type of lung cancer is included in the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) group and develops more slowly than other types of cancer.



“However, adenocarcinoma can spread to other organs, especially if it is not detected early,” he said when contacted by detikcom, Wednesday (9/10/2024).

Dr Andhika said that adenocarcinoma usually develops on the outside of the lungs and often shows no symptoms until it is in an advanced stage or stage 4.

At this stage, the cancer spreads to other organs, such as the liver, brain or bones, so the symptoms may be noticed too late.

“Besides smoking, there are several other factors that can increase the risk of lung cancer, especially in younger people,” he said.

The risk factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing lung cancer at a young age, apart from smoking, are gene mutations, exposure to asbestos, family history and exposure to air pollution.


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news‌ analysis is an essential ⁤part of journalism and blogging, allowing writers to provide readers with deeper insights and understandings of current events. By leveraging reputable sources, expert ⁤opinions, and case studies, I am able to create well-researched​ and informative analysis that resonates with my audience.



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