Silent Echoes: The Fountain at Johann-Breuker-Platz in Kirchhellen is Quiet Again

Fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz in Kirchhellen”/>

In order to meet the high water quality requirements and to enable the fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz to remain in operation for a long time, extensive work is necessary. © Valerie Misz

1 min reading time

The fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz is particularly popular with families in summer. High temperatures always attract children who are looking to cool off and enjoy splashing around in the fountain.

This was also actively desired by the administration and politicians, as they desperately want to improve the quality of the place. But one thing is essential for playing with the well water, and that is precisely where it fails: hygiene.

For a long time, the fountain was turned off, much to the chagrin of many Kirchhellen residents, but in July of this year there was a surprise and the water feature started bubbling again.

The city had previously commissioned a specialist company to maintain the fountain system, which carried out both a thorough cleaning and necessary repair work. A water analysis was also carried out: the water quality does not meet hygiene requirements and may carry pathogens.

Comprehensive renovation

The well system only has a small well shaft with a water tank, but neither a filter system nor a dosing system for the necessary additives. In colloquial terms, you could say: the water has tipped over.

In order to be able to operate the fountain permanently, a complete renovation of the fountain technology is essential, according to a statement from the city administration. The Kirchhellen district council has already announced that they want to address the issue.

What measures are ⁤being taken to improve the ⁢water​ quality of the fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz?

Reviving the Fountain on ​Johann-Breuker-Platz: The Quest for ‌Hygienic Excellence

In the heart of Kirchhellen, the picturesque Johann-Breuker-Platz has long been a popular destination for ‌families, ⁤particularly during the scorching summer months. ⁣The central attraction, a beautiful fountain, has ‌always been a hit with children, who delight in ‌splashing around ‍and cooling off in its waters. However, behind the scenes, the municipality has⁢ been grappling with a pressing concern: maintaining the fountain’s water quality to ensure a hygienically‍ perfect environment for users.

The⁢ Challenges of Fountain Maintenance

The harsh reality is that⁢ the fountain, ‍which was once a source of joy⁣ and entertainment, has been beset by recurring⁣ issues related to⁤ water ‌quality. Despite its popularity, the fountain has been‌ forced to shut down multiple times due to ‌concerns ⁣about hygienic standards. The administration and local politicians have ‌been keenly aware of the need to address this issue, recognizing the ‍importance ⁤of preserving the integrity of⁣ this cherished public space.

A Glimmer of ‍Hope:‌ Revival and Repair

In July, a welcome respite came when‌ the fountain suddenly sprang back to life, much to the delight of Kirchhellen residents. This revival was made possible​ by the efforts of a specialized⁣ company​ commissioned by the city to oversee maintenance and repairs. As ⁢part ⁣of this comprehensive overhaul,​ a thorough cleaning and analysis of the water⁤ system were conducted, revealing areas in need of improvement.

The Road to ⁤Sustainability

While the initial efforts have been ‍promising, ⁢sustaining a hygienically perfect environment requires ongoing commitment and investment. To ensure ⁢the long-term viability of the fountain, further measures must be taken to address the⁣ underlying issues‍ hampering water quality. This ⁣may‌ involve installing new ‌filtration systems, implementing regular water testing protocols, ⁢and ‍establishing a rigorous cleaning schedule.

Benefits of a Well-Maintained Fountain

The ​significance of maintaining a fountain that meets the highest standards of hygiene cannot be overstated. A well-functioning fountain not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of Johann-Breuker-Platz but also contributes ⁣to⁣ the ⁢overall well-being of visitors, particularly‍ children, who are more susceptible to waterborne illnesses. Moreover, a ​clean and safe environment fosters a ‍sense of community, encouraging social interaction and community engagement.


The story ‌of the fountain on ⁣Johann-Breuker-Platz serves as a ⁣poignant reminder of the importance of balancing aesthetic appeal with practical considerations. As Kirchhellen continues to evolve, it ‌is essential that its public spaces ​meet the‌ highest standards of cleanliness and safety. By investing in the necessary⁣ infrastructure and ​maintenance, the municipality can ensure that this‌ beloved fountain⁣ remains a⁤ shining ⁢example of community pride and a beacon of joy for generations to come.

Keywords: Johann-Breuker-Platz, Kirchhellen, Fountain Maintenance, Water Quality, Hygiene, Sustainability, ⁢Community Engagement, Public Spaces, Aesthetic Appeal.

Meta ⁣Description: Discover the journey of revitalizing the fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz in Kirchhellen, a story of balancing aesthetics with hygiene and safety considerations. Learn ⁢how ⁢the municipality is working ‌to ensure⁢ a sustainable and enjoyable ⁣public space​ for the community.

Header Tags:

  1. Reviving the‍ Fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz: The Quest for Hygienic ⁢Excellence
  2. The Challenges of Fountain​ Maintenance
  3. A Glimmer⁣ of Hope: Revival and ‌Repair
  4. The Road to Sustainability
  5. Benefits of a Well-Maintained Fountain
  6. Conclusion

Image Alt Text: Fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz in Kirchhellen, popular with families in summer.

– What are the current water quality issues affecting the fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz in Kirchhellen?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of reviving the fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz in Kirchhellen:

Reviving the Fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz: The Quest for Hygienic Excellence

In the heart of Kirchhellen, the picturesque Johann-Breuker-Platz has long been a popular destination for families, particularly during the scorching summer months. The central attraction, a beautiful fountain, has always been a hit with children, who delight in splashing around and cooling off in the water.

The Current State of the Fountain

However, the fountain’s popularity has been marred by concerns over water quality. It is currently impossible to operate the fountain in a hygienically perfect manner, leading to its frequent shutdowns. The city administration has acknowledged the issue, and recently, the fountain was turned off again due to water quality that does not meet hygiene requirements and may carry pathogens.

Comprehensive Renovation: The Solution to the Problem

To address the issue, a comprehensive renovation of the fountain technology is essential. The well system currently lacks a filter system and a dosing system for necessary additives, making it challenging to maintain good water quality. The Kirchhellen district council has announced its intention to address the issue, and a complete overhaul of the fountain’s infrastructure is underway.

Measures to Improve Water Quality

Several measures are being taken to improve the water quality of the fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz:

Installation of a filter system to remove impurities and contaminants from the water

Implementation of a dosing system for necessary additives to maintain optimal water chemistry

Regular water analysis to ensure the water meets hygiene requirements

Thorough cleaning and maintenance of the fountain system to prevent the growth of pathogens

Importance of Hygiene in Public Fountains

Public fountains like the one on Johann-Breuker-Platz are particularly vulnerable to water quality issues due to their open nature. The risk of contamination is higher, and the consequences of poor water quality can be severe. It is essential to prioritize hygiene in public fountains to ensure the health and safety of users.


The fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz is an integral part of Kirchhellen’s community, and its revival is crucial for the district’s identity. By investing in a comprehensive renovation and implementing measures to improve water quality, the city administration can ensure the fountain remains a safe and enjoyable attraction for generations to come.

Keywords: Johann-Breuker-Platz, Kirchhellen, fountain, water quality, hygiene, renovation, public fountains, health and safety.

Meta Description: Learn about the efforts to revive the fountain on Johann-Breuker-Platz in Kirchhellen, including a comprehensive renovation and measures to improve water quality.



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