Sitrajur to seek injunction against payment of Rio Negro profits after Neuquen case

2024-07-29 14:30:13

Rio Negro judicial staff will seek the same results as Neuquen state staff, taking legal action to avoid government attention. income tax.

Sitrajur Secretary General Emiliano Sanhueza said the briefing would be held early this week.

The leader said they still did not know the details of the scope of the new plan, which emerged after Congress approved a financial package for the justice sector in Rio Negro, but In the previous stage, nearly 400 agents paid profits tax.

“When we were reforming and changing the Cedular system before, we didn’t get involved. We continue to use category 4 as if it never ceased to existand the tax-free minimum standards have been in effect since October last year,” the union leader described.

In this context, Sitrajur decided to raise a claim “very similar to that in the Neuquén case”, asking the provincial judiciary to take precautionary measures to prevent the imposition of new profit discounts for workers in the province’s four judicial districts.

Income Taxes by Executive Agencies and Legislatures

Regarding the administration, the Ministry of Public Administration was preparing a report last Friday specifying how many agents will start paying out profits.

However, the organization’s director, Tania Lastra, predicts that New plan ‘highly impactful’ Especially due to the increase in July payroll settlement applications.

In that scene, Health is one of the most sensitive areas, Because overtime and medical guards are excluded from tax-exempt activities.

The Legislature also reported that details on the number of employees above the exemption minimum will only be released in the coming days, Starting from this Monday, the settlement of corresponding assets in July will be carried out.

“Across all organizations, we are looking forward to it. Not all AFIP forms are out yet, and with the settlement in August, there will certainly be clearer data.

#Sitrajur #seek #injunction #payment #Rio #Negro #profits #Neuquen #case



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