Signs Your WhatsApp Account May Be Hacked and How to Protect It

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Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Your WhatsApp account could be hijacked or tapped by bad people with the aim of draining your account and committing fraud. For this reason, you need to know the characteristics of WhatsApp being hijacked.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to panic, because there are steps to stop tapping that occurs on your WhatsApp account.

There are many ways for hackers to wiretapping and spying. Such as installing third party applications, using WhatsApp Web, and sending malware to cell phone.

This can be very dangerous, especially since WhatsApp is now also used to receive One Time Passwords from various applications, including online shopping and financial applications.

The signs that WhatsApp has been tapped are quite easy to recognize, here are the details:

1. OTP

One Time Password (OTP) is a six-digit code and is usually sent via SMS when accessing WhatsApp. This means that if a message comes in, someone is trying to enter the WhatsApp account. Do not give this OTP code to anyone.

2. Exit WhatsApp

One characteristic that can be recognized is suddenly leaving WhatsApp. It could be that another device is trying to log into your WhatsApp account. You can find out about the other device by pressing the three dots icon and selecting WhatsApp Web.

3. Message Read

When a message has been opened and read, you have to be careful. This could be a sign that your account has been hacked.

4. Message Sent Alone

This characteristic is the same as before. Be wary if a message suddenly sends itself even though you never sent it.

5. Foreign WA Status

There is a WA status that suddenly appears, even though it was not created by the user himself.

6. Make a phone call

There are foreign phone calls on WhatsApp that are not made by the user himself.

WhatsApp solution bugged

Before wiretapping like the one above occurs, there is a way that can be done, namely by carrying out a two-step verification or two-step verification.

Enable Two-Step Verification

To prevent being a victim of eavesdropping by activating the WhatsApp security feature, verify in two steps. In this way, criminals cannot access WhatsApp because they don’t know the code used.

Here’s how to activate it:

– Click on the three dots option

– Go to Settings, then go to Account

dan klik Two-Step Verification

– Press Enable

– Enter six codes

– Don’t forget to enter your email address

to recover code when forgotten

However, if this happens, you can use this method.

Report to WhatsApp

When you find out your account has been hacked, deactivate the account immediately. Users can contact WhatsApp support email at [email protected] with the keyword “Lost/stolen: please deactivate my account” in the body of the email to deactivate the account.

Users can provide detailed chronology of events, including when and possibly how the account was hacked.

Users have 30 days to reactivate their account before it is deleted forever.

Log in again

You can reinstall WhatsApp to deal with eavesdropping. This can be done if the user has pressed the consent button to move the account.

Please remember, reinstall with the previously registered number. That way you can find out the OTP code sent to that number.

WhatsApp Account Screen Lock

The final way is to lock the screen like on Android devices. So no one else can access it. How to open the Settings menu > Privacy > select the Screen Lock option > Scan fingerprint.

Check WhatsApp Web regularly

In addition, users also need to be diligent to check other devices that log in using the web version of WhatsApp. If there is an unknown device immediately remove it.

This is how to check devices connected via WhatsApp Web:

– Press the three dots option

– Click WhatsApp Web

– Next you will see a list of devices

which is connected to a WhatsApp account

– Select Sign out of all devices.


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Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round! Today we’re diving into the thrilling (and slightly alarming) world of WhatsApp security, because let’s face it, nothing says “fun night in” like worrying about hackers tapping into your messages! Yes, your WhatsApp could very well be under siege, and you might be completely blissfully unaware—like that time I got my eyebrows waxed too thin; I just didn’t see it coming!

Now, let me tell you a little secret—hackers, those charming little rascals, have a buffet of techniques to get their grubby hands on your private chats. They can invite themselves to the party using third-party apps, WhatsApp Web, or, if they’re particularly devious, they might roll out the red carpet for malware! I tell you, it’s like they’re throwing a surprise party with all the wrong decorations and terrible music.

Spotting the Clues

So how do you know if your WhatsApp is being bugged? Well, my dear Watson, here’s how to play detective:

  1. OTP Woes: If you’re suddenly bombarded with One Time Passwords you didn’t ask for, it’s like a neon sign flashing "something fishy is going on!" Don’t give that code to anyone! The only OTP you should share is the one that helps you access deals – you know, like “one time pass” for 50% off that kitchen gadget you’ve never used!

  2. Exit Stage Left: If your WhatsApp suddenly logs you out, it’s not playing hard to get—someone’s trying to log in! Check that WhatsApp Web option like a nosy neighbor checking who’s parked in front of your house!

  3. Read Receipts: Messages you haven’t opened? Be wary! It’s like finding out your last meeting was actually not about office snacks.

  4. Sending Ghost Messages: If messages are sent without your knowledge, you’ve got an unwelcome ghost in your chat. And no, not the friendly kind that helps you with your math homework!

  5. Mystery Status: A suspicious WhatsApp status? That’s like finding someone else’s toupee in your bathroom—definitely a sign something’s off!

  6. Random Calls: Foreign phone calls you didn’t place? You’re not running an international hotline, my friend!

The Heroic Solutions

Now, what do you do if you suspect your account has been turned into a hacker’s playground? Fear not! We have solutions, and they’re easier than learning how to quit eating fries!

  • Two-Step Verification: Just like making sure your well-intentioned friend is actually paying you back for that pizza—you need a second confirmation! Enable that and you’ll be safer than having a bouncer at your private party.

  • Report to WhatsApp: If you do get hacked, contact WhatsApp immediately. Don’t dilly-dally! The sooner, the better—otherwise, it’s like waiting too long to eat leftover pizza and finding it’s gone off!

  • Log in Again: Think of it as a “refresh” for your WhatsApp. Reinstalling it will help you kick out any unwanted guests.

  • Screen Lock: Screen lock equals no unauthorized access. It’s like placing a “No Admittance” sign on your private zone—a wise move if you ask me!

  • Check WhatsApp Web Regularly: Make this a habit! Check that list of devices like a bouncer checking IDs at the club entrance! If someone’s in there that doesn’t belong—out they go!


So there you have it, folks! The world of WhatsApp can feel like navigating a dark room full of pitfalls, but with a little awareness and precaution, you can keep those pesky hackers at bay. Remember, folks, in the digital age, staying safe is just as important as keeping that hair gel in check or ensuring your social media posts remain flawless!

Stay safe out there, and remember to look twice before hitting “send”! Cheers!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The risk of your WhatsApp account being hijacked or tapped by malicious individuals is a growing concern, as these attackers often seek to exploit your account for financial gain and perpetrate fraud. Understanding the signs of a compromised WhatsApp account is crucial to protect yourself against such threats.

Rest assured, there is no need for alarm, as there are effective measures you can take to halt any unauthorized access to your WhatsApp account.

Cybercriminals employ various tactics to wiretap and spy on users, including the installation of malicious third-party applications, utilizing WhatsApp Web on unsuspecting devices, and even sending malware direct to the user’s smartphone.

This is particularly perilous, considering WhatsApp serves as a platform for receiving One Time Passwords (OTPs) for various applications, including those related to online shopping and financial services.

The signs that indicate your WhatsApp may be compromised can be relatively easy to identify, and understanding these indicators can be vital:

1. OTP

Be cautious of unsolicited One Time Password (OTP) messages, typically consisting of a six-digit code sent via SMS. Such messages indicate that someone is attempting to gain access to your WhatsApp account. It’s imperative to never share this OTP code with anyone.

2. Exit WhatsApp

A sudden logout from WhatsApp can signify that another device is attempting to access your account. To investigate, tap on the three dots icon and select WhatsApp Web to see active sessions across devices.

3. Message Read

Exercise vigilance if you notice messages that have been opened and marked as read but you are unaware of having done so. This is a potential indicator that unauthorized access has occurred.

4. Message Sent Alone

Remain alert if you observe messages being sent from your account without your initiation. This abnormal activity is a clear red flag that your account may have been compromised.

5. Foreign WA Status

Be wary of foreign WhatsApp statuses that appear unexpectedly, suggesting that someone else has accessed your account and modified your profile without your knowledge.

6. Make a phone call

Receiving foreign phone calls on WhatsApp that you did not initiate is another suspicious sign and should not be ignored.

WhatsApp solution bugged

To preempt any potential interception, activating two-step verification is highly recommended. This security feature significantly increases your account’s resilience against unauthorized access.

Enable Two-Step Verification

By enabling the two-step verification feature within WhatsApp, you create a barrier against eavesdroppers who do not possess your verification code.

Here are the steps to activate this feature:

– Click on the three dots option

– Go to Settings, then select Account

and click on Two-Step Verification

– Press Enable

– Enter a six-digit code

– Don’t forget to input your email address

to recover the code in case of forgetfulness.

Report to WhatsApp

If you discover that your account has been compromised, it is vital to deactivate it immediately. Users should contact WhatsApp support at [email protected], specifying “Lost/stolen: please deactivate my account” in the subject line. Providing a detailed account of the events leading up to the breach will assist in the recovery process.

Users have a 30-day window to reactivate their account before it is permanently deleted.

Log in again

To regain control of your account and mitigate the effects of eavesdropping, consider reinstalling WhatsApp. Ensure that you log in using the same number that was originally registered to receive the OTP.

WhatsApp Account Screen Lock

To further secure your account, implement screen lock features available on Android devices. This additional layer of protection prevents unauthorized access. Navigate to Settings > Privacy > select the Screen Lock option > Scan fingerprint.

Check WhatsApp Web regularly

It’s prudent to routinely inspect any other devices that may be logged into WhatsApp through the web. If you identify an unfamiliar device, take immediate action to remove it.

Here’s how to verify devices linked via WhatsApp Web:

– Tap on the three dots option

– Select WhatsApp Web

– Review the list of devices currently connected to your account

– Choose Sign out of all devices.


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S crucial to act ⁢quickly. ⁣You should deactivate your account immediately by contacting WhatsApp support via email at [email protected]. Include the subject line “Lost/stolen: please deactivate my account” in your message. In⁤ your email, provide⁤ a detailed account of the situation, including when and how you believe your account ‍was hacked.

Users have a 30-day window to reactivate⁤ their​ account before it is permanently ⁤deleted, so it’s important to act without delay.

Log‌ in Again

A⁣ good way to regain control over your account‍ is to reinstall WhatsApp. This method works particularly well if you suspect ⁣that someone might have‌ seized ⁢control of your account. Just ‍be sure to log back in with your registered number to receive the OTP that will​ allow you to reaccess your account

WhatsApp Account​ Screen Lock

Another effective measure⁣ is to activate⁢ a screen lock on your device. This will prevent unauthorized users from accessing your WhatsApp. On Android devices, navigate to Settings > Privacy > and select the Screen Lock option. You can‍ then choose to use⁤ your⁣ fingerprint for added security.

Check WhatsApp⁣ Web Regularly

Lastly, make it a habit to⁤ regularly check for any active sessions on WhatsApp Web. If ​you see a device listed that you do not recognize, you must act⁣ immediately by logging it out. To do this, ⁢follow ⁤these‌ steps:

  • Tap on the three dots icon.
  • Select WhatsApp Web.
  • You will see a list of devices connected ⁤to your WhatsApp account.
  • Immediately click on “Sign out of all ⁣devices” if you detect something suspicious.

By being vigilant and taking these precautions, you ‌can significantly reduce⁤ the risk ⁤of your WhatsApp account being hijacked. Stay safe, and make sure⁤ to continuously monitor your account activity!


Count. Be sure to reinstall using the same phone number that was previously registered so you can receive the One-Time Password (OTP) securely.

WhatsApp Account Screen Lock

To boost the security of your WhatsApp account further, consider enabling the screen lock feature on your Android device. This will prevent unauthorized access, creating an additional barrier against potential intruders. Here’s how to set it up:

– Open Settings

– Navigate to Privacy

– Select the Screen Lock option

– Follow the prompts to scan your fingerprint (or set a PIN).

Check WhatsApp Web Regularly

It’s essential to regularly review any devices logged into WhatsApp via the web. If you spot an unfamiliar device, promptly remove it from your account. Here’s how you can do that:

– Tap on the three dots option in WhatsApp

– Select WhatsApp Web

– Review the list of devices connected to your account

– Choose to Sign out of all devices if any look suspicious.

Maintaining your privacy and security on platforms like WhatsApp is crucial. By taking proactive measures like enabling two-step verification, monitoring your account activity, and being cautious about suspicious messages, you can significantly mitigate risks associated with hacking and unauthorized access.


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