Signs, what not to do, why marriage is prohibited

2024-07-06 22:48:12

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity appeared in 2008 and is dedicated to the Days of St. Peter and Fevronia. History, traditions and symbols regarding this day – in the URA.RU material.

History of Family, Love and Loyalty Day

According to numerous legends and hagiographies of saints, the future prince Peter received a vision instructing him to turn to Fevronia. She was a devout peasant woman who was able to cure his terminal illness.

The prince sent someone to the village where Fevlonia lived, and she was able to cure Peter. Impressed by her piety and the power of her prayers, Peter invited Fevronia to marry him. Contrary to the boyar’s opinion, the prince decided to give up the throne and be with his peasant wife.

Saints Peter and Fevronia canonized

Photo: Igor Merkulov © URA.RU

Peter and Fevronia lived a long life in devotion, piety and prayer. They then took the monastic vows under their new names David and Euphrosyne. Their lives and deaths were filled with wonder and true love, as evidenced by the legend of how they found themselves side by side once more following attempts to separate them. The saints were subsequently buried in the same tomb and 300 years later they were canonized. In 2008, the anniversary of Peter and Fevlonia became a national holiday, known as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

holiday traditions

To commemorate Family Day, love and fidelity, many registration offices have extended their working hours and even refused to register divorces. This demonstrates the importance of maintaining and promoting family values ​​and marital relationships on this special day. One of the main traditions dedicated to Saint Peter and Fevronia on this day is the gift of daisies to loved ones. This flower not only symbolizes family happiness, but also symbolizes purity, tenderness, sincere love and the strong connection between husband and wife.

Getting married on this day is considered a good omen

Photo: Ekaterina Sychkova © URA.RU

For Orthodox believers, July 8 is the Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia. On this day, pilgrims go to the Monastery of the Holy Trinity in Murom to participate in solemn ceremonies and visit the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia.

Family day, symbol of love and loyalty

In ancient times, on the days of St. Peter and Fevronia, people would pay attention to weather signs and try to predict what weather would happen in the summer and autumn. According to legend, north wind heralds sunny weather and east wind heralds rainy weather. They believe the weather this holiday will affect the next 40 days, with rainbows over the water heralding rain.

People also look for signs of the coming harvest. Such hot, dry weather might mean few mushrooms in the forest, and if mice aren’t eating hay, it might mean a poor wheat harvest. Rainy weather on this day promises a good honey harvest, as bees can collect more nectar. The soil is waterlogged following rain, indicating a rainy September.

How to celebrate this day?

Couples who have spent 25 years or more together often celebrate this anniversary with an award, such as the “For Love and Fidelity” medal. The medal is established by the committee celebrating the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty and comes with a prize (up to 25,000 rubles). This medal depicts Saints Peter of Murom and Fevronia, symbolizing pure and strong family love. Applicants for the award are usually nominated by local authorities and award ceremonies are held at regional and federal levels.

Cash payments for spouses in different regions of Russia

Photo: Ruslan Yarotsky © URA.RU

In different regions of Russia, cash payments are provided for spouses who have lived together for 50 years or more. To receive these payments, the husband and wife must be Russian citizens and their marriage must be officially registered. Payment amount depends on region.

Many cities mark the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity with themed events such as concerts, family markets, children’s entertainment and programs for all ages. However, the main celebrations are traditionally held in the city of Murom, Vladimir region. It hosts theatrical performances, reconstructions of scenes from the life of St. Peter of Murom and Fevronia, and master classes in folk crafts.

What to do and what not to do

In the past, on July 8, couples would try to cut the grass together because they believed it would bring happiness and prosperity to their family. On this day, believers go to the temple and pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia for their family, love and domestic happiness. In addition, people prayed for Fevronya to be free from illness, because according to legend, she might cure her husband during her lifetime.

Couples are advised to spend July 8 together to strengthen their relationship. This day is considered suitable for dating, meeting parents and even matchmaking, as it is associated with family love and harmony and is a good time to strengthen family and social ties.

Due to Peter the Great’s fast, no weddings will be held in the church on this day.

Photo: Ruslan Yarotsky © URA.RU

Although July 8th is Family Day, weddings are not traditionally held on July 8th. At this time, Peter’s fast is always in progress, so we must try to avoid holidays and festivals. Therefore, lovers will not get married in a church on this day. However, on the contrary, formal registration of marriages in a registry office is very popular.

On this day it is important to avoid arguments, curses and showdowns. Baking or sewing on this day is also considered unlucky. It is also not customary to do gardening on St. Peter’s and Feveronia Days, but you can water the plants. It is not recommended to pick daisies, the symbol of this festival, nor to use daisies to tell fortunes, as this is considered disrespectful and can have negative consequences.


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