Signs: Virgo, your needs will come to the fore, causing you to get “entangled” in a game of enforcement…

The Moon in Aries and its trine with retrograde Mercury in Leo at noon, will make us say what we thought or felt for a long time and did not dare to say. Our spontaneity will be great, so will our courage, so we will not waste time with misgivings and doubts.

On the other hand, we may meet old acquaintances and friends or relatives that we had lost touch with, due to daily obligations. What we should avoid are bureaucratic cases, unless they were pending from the past.

In addition, the Moon’s sextile with Mars in Gemini will make us pick up our pace, regain our confidence and become more active, doing things we like. We will want to go out, get in touch with people, get to know each other and in general we will feel that the house does not keep us inside.


Today it is good to pay attention to your behavior since with the square of Venus from your 6th with Mars from your 3rd, it is possible that you will selfishly project your opinions and perceptions and problems will arise in your workplace. If you and your partner work together, you may flirt in the workplace and expose yourself, or even bring out too much competition between you. Nevertheless, with the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter and Mars as well as with its trine with retrograde Mercury in your 5th, you will be able to boldly, optimistically and honestly discuss issues of the past concerning your love life, while it is not excluded your ex shows up and you freak out.


You will have a strong need to woo, to flirt since your sexuality will be increased with the square of Venus in your 5th with Mars from your 2nd. The mood will be more intense for physical contact than for expressing feelings and if you are in a relationship it is possible that intense competition will arise between you and tensions will arise if one of you tries to impose yourself, with the other reacts strongly and spasmodically. With the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter and Mars from your 2nd and with its trine with retrograde Mercury from your 4th, you will be given the opportunity to settle financial issues of your home and family while you will generally be with them generous


The square of Venus in your 4th with Mars from your 1st, will bring selfish attitudes on your part and while you will have a strong need to get in touch with your loved one, problems in the house and tensions will negatively affect the climate. Try to be honest with him/her, without imposing your wishes and with the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter and Mars, as well as with her trine with retrograde Mercury, you will manage to express your true feelings honestly and boldly needs and to say what you want to say, without the confrontations necessarily lasting all day. “You have the knife and the melon” and therefore full authority over yourself, so make sure you are straightforward, authentic and honest.


The square of Venus in your 3rd with Mars through your 12th will bring communication problems and intense confrontations. If you do not share the same desires with your partner or feel that your needs are not being met, you will clash with him/her and because you will be emotionally charged, you will take out your repressed things in an intense way. You may face similar situations with people close to you and several misunderstandings may arise. With the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter and Mars as well as with its trine with retrograde Mercury, in the professional field you will have the opportunity to present yourself and at the same time ask for and renegotiate your salary.


You will be strongly possessive in your friendly and romantic relationships with Venus in your 2nd forming a square with Mars from your 11th. It is obvious to you that you give more than you get, or than you deserve, and today you will feel the need to express your displeasure, but in an intense and dynamic way that will not leave room for others to react peacefully . However, the aspects of the Moon with Jupiter, Mars and retrograde Mercury will push you to philosophize about people and situations, to discuss issues that plague you from the past and to reassess your real needs, without “getting you down” and paint them black. Be careful how you manage your finances.


With the square of Venus in your 1st with Mars from your 10th, the strong differences and needs you have from your partner will come to the fore, resulting in you getting “entangled” in a game of imposition, competition and intense confrontations . On its positive side this aspect can bring moments of passion and intense sexuality pushing aside feelings and any form of tenderness between you, leaving you with a strong sense of disappointment and dissatisfaction. You will also have intense conflicts in the professional field. With the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter, Mars and its trine with retrograde Mercury, financial and inheritance affairs will be shaken up, for example, a will may be opened from which you will be favored.


With Venus square your 12th with Mars from your 9th, you’ll feel the need to assert your repressed desires and needs. If you have been involved in a double or illegal relationship, you will demand things without calculating the cost of the consequences, resulting in a conflict with your loved one. You will have emotional charge, unfulfilled desires and expectations, so try to calm down and see situations more logically. Fortunately, with the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter, Mars and retrograde Mercury, you will be able to philosophize and see the situation with a more optimistic perspective and ultimately show understanding and trust, both in your partner and in your professional collaborations.


With Venus square in your 11th with Mars from your 8th, you realize that some desires and expectations cannot be realized due to financial obligations and debts, resulting in you acting aggressively and impulsively. On the other hand, there is the possibility of having sexual contact with someone from your friendly and social environment, without the slightest feeling, except for the need for physical contact, in order to satisfy your sexual appetites. With the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter, Mars and retrograde Mercury, you will be able to successfully present your plans and opinions in the field of career, while it is possible that you will come out victorious from a public body.


The square of Venus in your 10th with Mars through your 7th will bring intense confrontations and conflicts both in personal and emotional relationships as well as in professional ones. There will be intense competition, open hostilities and arguments, while with your partner, if you don’t want to go to extremes you should try to keep things low key. Fortunately for you with the Moon in your 5th with its sextiles to Jupiter, Mars and Mercury retrograde, you will have optimism, you will be good-natured and you will easily smooth out the tensions that arise…in your bedroom . If you are single there will be new romantic encounters or even a reconnection with your ex.


With the square of Venus in your 9th with Mars in your 6th, you will face various challenges in your everyday life and in your workplace, as a result of which you operate nervously, competitively and disruptively, without thinking of the consequences, as a result of which you leave negative impressions and at the same time burdening yourself with additional stress. Unleash your energy in manual and practical activities and if you can’t control it, tackle chores, cleaning and tidying up your home. After all, with the hexagons of the Moon with Jupiter, Mars and retrograde Mercury, you will feel better in your home and even with your own people, than in an external environment where you will receive negative stimuli.


With Venus square your 8th with Mars through your 5th, you will have intense sexual energy and action, through arguments, competition and enforcement. It’s one of those moments when you care more about expressing your sexuality and releasing your energy in sex than showing tender feelings. In the financial sector there will be losses if you somehow decide to risk your money. With the Moon sextiles Jupiter, Mars and retrograde Mercury, there is the possibility of discussing a reunion, or making new acquaintances for flirting and sex. The expression of your creativity in general will depend on the way you communicate.


With Venus in your 7th square to Mars in your 4th, tensions are likely to arise with your partner because they will feel that their needs are not the same as yours and are not being met, resulting in even get your parents involved in the confrontations and have to take sides, since you will have similar feelings on your side. Make sure to be honest with him/her so that you can find a balance between you. With the Moon’s sextiles with Jupiter, Mars and its trine with Mercury retrograde, you will have the support and understanding of your own people. They will be quite giving to you, they will spoil you and with them you will feel emotionally and financially secure.


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#Signs #Virgo #fore #causing #entangled #game #enforcement..



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