Signs that your blood sugar is ‘too high’

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High blood sugar is a serious health condition commonly associated with diabetes. Left untreated, high blood sugar can lead to stroke, heart disease, blindness, and more — so early diagnosis and treatment is crucial.

Here are the most prominent indicators that your blood sugar is “too high”:

The need to urinate frequently

Needing a bathroom more than usual could be a sign of dangerously high blood sugar. “The kidneys start trying to pour in more sugar to get rid of it,” says Dr. Ademolam. And when you excrete the sugar, you take the water with it.”


Doctors explain that excessive thirst is linked to frequent urination. The body can feel the loss of excess water due to frequent urination and the normal response is to feel thirsty.

constant hunger

The classic symptoms of starvation often stem from the fact that a person with diabetes is unable to use glucose as an energy source within cells. Glucose circulates in the blood, but cells cannot absorb it to use as fuel.


Feeling tired, especially after a meal, may be a sign of high blood sugar levels.

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