Signs that reveal high cholesterol in children.. and how to treat it

06:00 pm

Sunday 24 July 2022

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that is found in all cells of the body, and is found in some foods such as meat and dairy products, and the body usually needs it to be able to function properly, but some people can suffer from high levels, including children, which increases the risk of diseases the heart.

Reasons for its height in children

Eating an unhealthy diet, especially diets that contain a large percentage of fat, according to medlineplus.

Also, the presence of genetic factors for high cholesterol, or excessive weight gain.

As well as in the case of some diseases that lead to its increase, such as diabetes, kidney disease and thyroid gland.


There are no symptoms that usually indicate the presence of high cholesterol, and it is detected through periodic checkups that check the health of children through.


The main treatment depends on some lifestyle changes, including the following:

1- Exercising, spending less time sitting in front of the TV, phone, etc.

2- Rely on a healthy diet by reducing the intake of foods rich in saturated and trans fats and sugars, and replacing them with fresh vegetables and fruits.

3- The child who suffers from obesity must be helped to lose weight, to avoid various diseases related to being overweight.

It is necessary to communicate with the specialist doctor to understand the specific situation of each child, and to determine the appropriate treatment for him, because there are some cases in which lifestyle changes are not effective for them.

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