Signs of the hour appear in Saudi Arabia.. A Saudi man made his wife crazy with a shocking request that no human mind can believe.. You will not believe what was asked of her and how she took revenge on him in a malicious way.!

A Saudi wife managed to obtain an annulment of her marriage contract due to the insane behavior of the husband who turned her life into hell because of his misbehavior, which she can no longer bear.

A married woman complained to the court of her husband’s misbehavior and his incomprehensible psychological state, as she resorted to the Personal Status Court, which decided to annul her marriage contract after verifying her allegations.

In her lawsuit, the wife explained that after 3 months of her marriage, she began to feel strange behavior on her husband, as he did not want to go to work and was very suspicious and at times had incomprehensible hallucinations and fantasies that people wanted to break into the house, and the matter developed that he insulted and doubted her.

According to the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan. The wife explained that she tried in every way to help him get rid of these habits until she convinced him to go to a psychiatrist, and then learned from the psychiatrist that he suffers from schizophrenia, so she confronted the husband, who admitted that he had suffered from it for more than two years, noting that she could no longer bear it. His behavior and asked him for a divorce.

But he refused, which prompted her to request the annulment of the marriage through the court, and after considering the case and reviewing the wife’s medical report proving that, a ruling was passed in her favor to terminate the marriage contract, because the husband concealed a defect from the wife during the writing of the contract, which necessitated the annulment of the marriage.

The legal advisor, Saleh Amjad, confirmed that according to the new Personal Status Regulations that were issued, in Article 114: Each of the spouses may request the annulment of the marriage contract for a reason that is harmful to the other or repulsive that prevents marital cohabitation, whether the defect was before the marriage contract or occurred after it.

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Unless the person requesting the annulment was aware of the reason at the time of the conclusion of the contract or became aware of it after its conclusion and obtained from him evidence of consent with it in terms of words or actions, the court may also seek the assistance of experts in knowing and estimating the reason as well, and it is stated in Article 101: If the marriage contract is dissolved There is a bug in one of the spouses, so the court must decide the following: If the illness occurred in any of the spouses after consummation, the husband does not have the right to recover what he paid from the dowry, and if the fault in any of the spouses preceded the contract and the annulment was before entering or being alone, the husband recovers what He pays him from the dowry and what remains of it falls, even if it was deferred.

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