Signs of magnesium deficiency in the body

Books – Saber Najah:

Magnesium plays an effective role in protecting the body from many diseases, including high blood pressure, weak muscles and nerves, so magnesium deficiency must be taken care of and ensured to be addressed.

In the following context, the “Consulto” explains the signs of magnesium deficiency in the body, according to what was stated on the “healthline” website.

1- Convulsions

Cramps are one of the signs that indicate a lack of magnesium levels in the body, as doctors believe that it is due to a greater flow of calcium to nerve cells, which leads to increased excitation and stimulation of muscle nerves.

It should also be kept in mind that cramps may have many other causes, including stress or excessive caffeine intake, or they may also be a side effect of certain medications or a symptom of a neuromuscular disease such as multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis.

2- Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by weak bones and an increased risk of bone fractures, as there are many factors that affect the risk of developing it, not only a lack of magnesium levels in the body, including:

– old age.

– Lack of exercise.

Take vitamins D and K.

Studies in rats also confirm that deficient levels of magnesium lead to reduced bone mass. Although no such studies have been conducted in humans, research has linked poor magnesium intake with lower bone mineral density.

Also read: 7 damages caused by a lack of magnesium in the body. Here are its natural sources

3- Fatigue and muscle weakness

Fatigue is a common sign for most people, which may only sometimes indicate the need for more rest, however, severe or persistent fatigue may be a sign of a health problem, including a lack of magnesium levels in the body, which may be caused by myasthenia gravis.

Scientists believe weakness is caused by a loss of potassium in muscle cells, a condition associated with magnesium deficiency, so magnesium deficiency is one possible cause of fatigue or weakness.

4- High blood pressure

Several observational studies suggest that low levels of magnesium or a poor diet may raise blood pressure.

Animal studies indicate that magnesium deficiency may increase blood pressure and lead to hypertension, so it is a strong risk factor for heart disease.

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Therefore, magnesium deficiency may lead to increased blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease. However, more studies are needed before its role can be fully understood.

5- Irregular heartbeat

Irregular heartbeat is among the most dangerous potential effects of magnesium deficiency in the body, which leads to an increased risk of certain diseases, including an increased risk of stroke or heart failure.

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