Signs of internal bleeding in the head

WebMD revealed signs of internal bleeding in the head, which is a very dangerous harbinger of human health.

and internal bleeding in Head It is not possible to pay attention to its occurrence unless there are certain signs in the body that indicate it,

Signs of internal bleeding in the head

1- The desire to vomit.

2- Feeling of weakness on one side of the body in the arm or leg.

3- A feeling of numbness in the extremities.

4- Difficulty speaking.

5- Inability to balance.

6- Nausea.

7- Difficulty swallowing.

8- Difficulty breathing.

9 Sharp pain in the abdomen.

10- Severe vision problems.

11- Loss of consciousness.

12- Severe headache.

13- Severe diarrhea.

14- Low blood pressure.

15- Numbness in the body.

Causes of internal bleeding in the head

1- Chronic high blood pressure.

2- Damage to blood vessels.

3- Problems in the digestive system, such as tumors.

4- Weak clotting factors.

5- Exposure to a strong shock to the head.

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