Signs of Insulin Resistance and Impact on Overall Health

2023-11-19 16:18:38

Prolonged insulin resistance may lead to chronic inflammation in the body and even the risk of prediabetes, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. But are there any symptoms of insulin resistance in the body? Doctors say that insulin resistance may cause five major manifestations in the body.

Li Chenyu, a metabolic endocrinologist, said that insulin resistance may cause metabolic abnormalities and performance in the five systems of the body.

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1. Constant blood sugar

The impact of insulin resistance on blood sugar is different for everyone. Some people with insulin resistance have normal blood sugar, some have only mild hyperglycemia, but some have progressed to type 2 diabetes. Li Chenyu explained that this is because the causes of insulin resistance are different, and the response of pancreatic beta cells when insulin rises varies from person to person.

Li Chenyu added that hypoglycemia is a very small minority and usually occurs in minority groups with genetic abnormalities that affect insulin receptor function.

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2.Skin manifestations

High insulin will cause the proliferation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts, causing the skin to darken and become rough and hard, forming acanthosis nigricans. Li Chenyu explained that regardless of the cause of insulin resistance, acanthosis nigricans and skin tags are common manifestations. Acanthosis nigricans usually occurs on the back, neck, armpits, groin, or elbows, but it can occur on the skin of the body except the palms and soles of the feet.

3. Reproductive system

Insulin resistance affects the female reproductive system but has less of an impact on the male reproductive system. Polycystic ovary syndrome and insulin resistance are closely related, and the two are causally related to each other. Li Chenyu pointed out that insulin resistance will cause an increase in male hormones, and may appear virilized, hirsutistic, as well as amenorrhea or infertility. symptoms and other phenomena.

4. Adipose tissue

Most people with insulin resistance are obese. Obese people have more free fatty acids in their blood. When these free fatty acids exceed the amount that fat cells can hold, they will be stored in muscles or liver.

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Macrophages will go to the storage locations of these ectopic fats (muscles, liver), perform phagocytosis, and form a state of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation will turn around and cause more fat accumulation.

5. Lipid metabolism

Insulin resistance does not necessarily cause cholesterol abnormalities, but it usually prevents excess fatty acids from being stored correctly in fat cells and travels to other tissues, such as the liver, to form excess triglycerides in the form of very low-density lipoproteins. Ester, causing high levels of triglycerides in the blood.

In addition, people with insulin resistance will have low adiponectin, and the inflammation caused by insulin resistance will reduce adiponectin. Studies have found that the more people who accumulate abdominal fat, the less adiponectin they have, and the more healthy people eat or exercise regularly, the more adiponectin they have.

◎ Image source/provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Data source/Dr. Li Chenyu

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