signs not to be taken lightly

Skin cancers: spotting a melanoma

In this case, we are dealing with a malignant tumor, which attacks the pigmentary system. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation “20-30% of melanomas are found in existing moles, while 70-80% occur on normal-looking skin. » So, observing your epidermis carefullyyou can quickly notice the appearance of melanoma.

According to Dr Quereux, who works at the Nantes University Hospital, at the head of the dermatological department, the signs of skin cancer vary between patients. « In women, it is more often on the legs that it tends to grow. For men, it is the back. »

However, there is a method that has been proven to prevent these lesions from getting worse. She bears the name of ABCDE rule. This is a criterion put forward by the National Syndicate of Dermatologists-Venerologists :

  • A for asymmetry: Alert yourself if you notice that your mole does not appear circular. And especially if it seems split into two different parts.
  • B for irregular border: you should consult if you notice jagged edges around your mole.
  • C for uneven color: if the lesion has different colors (brown, red, white, etc.) this may reveal skin cancer.
  • D for diameter: if you notice that the mole is growing rapidlyor beyond 6 mm.
  • E for evolution: among the signs that indicate skin cancer, we find the (rapid) change in appearance of moles.

According to Dr Quereux, it is necessary to remain vigilant because the lesions do not necessarily create pain. ” Just because it doesn’t hurt doesn’t mean it isn’t cancer. The Health Insurance also warns regarding the possible development of melanomas, located under the nails. This band slowly enlarges and does not go away like a subungual hematoma would. A colored area may also develop on the skin near the nail. »

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Source : Marie Claire



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