Signs: Cancer, there will be unexpected situations, expenses you did not have in mind, inflated bills…, in general, sudden events may occur

Mercury retrograde in Leo has another conflict today with Uranus in Taurus, bringing, from the past, unexpected events and unpleasant developments or news that will upset our daily lives. Programs and plans are “shaken in the air”, making it difficult to keep our patience and composure, while irritation will be widespread, fights easy for a trivial reason, provocative or irrational behaviors, which will electrify the atmosphere. Also, a breakdown in our means of communication or transportation or a sudden and unwanted encounter is possible.


Retrograde Mercury in your 5th with Uranus from your 2nd, will bring sudden losses in the financial sector and expenses that you had not calculated and will take you out of budget. You should be focused, not act uncontrollably or impulsively and above all avoid gambling and investments that will only bring you losses. Tensions may arise with your romantic partner, or with your children especially if you are on vacation, who will have a tendency to waste and have a good time, without counting anything or anyone. Otherwise, with the Moon in Aquarius in your 11th, you will have an outgoing and social disposition and will make sure to find yourself in various friendly and social environments.


With Mercury retrograde in your 4th forming a square to Uranus from your 1st, you will react impulsively and rebel against any kind of oppression especially if your parents try to “tighten the reins” on you. The feeling of injustice and inequality will be accentuated with the result that you easily get involved in fights with your social environment as well as with your partner. You will be torn between the conservative principles you hold as axioms with your need for anything original and innovative and you will function completely unbalanced. With the Moon in your 10th, you will have increased social obligations, in which you will have to be careful not to expose yourself with your behavior and become the finger-pointer.


Today the square of retrograde Mercury in your 3rd with Uranus from your 12th peaks and you are likely to be explosive in your conversations. The fact that some secrets will come out in public is very likely, while it is not excluded that tensions will arise with a sibling or relative because of your need to free yourself from dilemmas and phobias that have subjected and burdened you. You will have a sensitive nervous system, you should be careful when driving, don’t drive angry, don’t rush and don’t use your tongue longer than your tongue to avoid arguments and fuss. It is still possible that your vehicle, your computer and any technical means you have may suffer some damage and “break down” even more.


With the square of retrograde Mercury in your 2nd with Uranus from your 11th, completing for the second time in a space of about a month, there will be unexpected situations in relation to your finances. Expenses that you didn’t have in mind, inflated bills, etc. cause you insecurity, resulting in you breaking out and reacting impulsively and extreme. In general, sudden events may occur with a friendly person, your relationship will be shaken and a rift will occur between you, especially if your disagreements are related to the financial sector. Pay attention in general to the way you manage your money because it seems that you do not put a brake on waste and profligacy in order to feel safe and satisfied.


With Mercury in your 1st and forming a square with Uranus from your 10th, you will easily get into trouble with everyone and everything, resulting in a strong outburst. If you’re working today, it’s possible that you’ll get into a fight with your boss and your relationship and collaboration will end in disgrace. In general, you will react to anything that is established and limits your self-expression and the need to satisfy your desires. Things you wanted to say and do in the past and couldn’t even think about them, today you will bring them back to the fore. Try to be flexible, because you will have excessive stubbornness and thoughts and opinions, which will shock even the most progressive of your interlocutors.


With Mercury moving retrograde and squaring Uranus for the second time since your 9th, you’re worried about secret thoughts and plans coming to the surface, and you’re doing well, because today it might all come to the surface. Strange for you, but today you will not handle the word well, you will be impatient, nervous and in an intense and jerky way you will get your repressed things out. For a judicial or legal case that concerns you, for matters of studies, travel, news, etc., unexpected developments will occur that will surprise you unpleasantly and you will be at risk of having a nervous breakdown. In such a case, you will hardly be able to discipline yourself or appear condescending to the challenges of the day.


For the second time in about a month, retrograde Mercury squares your 11th with Uranus through your 8th to bring you worries and nervousness about collective and group activities. The same issues and problems come to the surface again, which once again you cannot solve, as a result of which you either explode and argue with the people in charge, or withdraw. Your relationships with someone from your friendly and social circle on whom you had relied will probably be disrupted due to financial issues, with you looking for other tactics and alternatives. Try to keep your cool and not make hasty decisions that you will regret.


With Mercury retrograde in your 10th, forming for the second time in less than a month again a square with Uranus from your 7th, there will be a repetition of some events in relation to your professional and emotional relationships. Some changes do not agree with you, causing you to worry, while it is possible that you will change partners and this will make it more difficult for you. With your partner, the atmosphere will be tense as he/she will constantly tease you with your attitude, so don’t “bite” at challenges and stop every time he/she asks you to do different things, resist strongly if you don’t want to turn your home into a battlefield. If by any chance you find yourself outside and a fight ensues, arrange to be a public spectacle for the tourists/women.


With Mercury retrograde in your 9th, forming for the second time in less than a month a square with Uranus from your 6th, you will have innovative thoughts and ideas that may shock your interlocutors, as a result of which you will not be able to get along easily . You will have fanaticism, mental overstimulation and you will easily get into fights and arguments. Especially if you are on a trip, it is good to be a little more careful about your behavior because unexpected events will arise which you will find difficult to manage. Otherwise today you will avoid in any way to deal with routine affairs and practical issues or anything that you consider commonplace and oppressive for you, on the contrary, anything adventurous and eccentric will attract you and you may live unprecedented experiences.


Today it is good to pay attention to your relationship with your children because with the square of retrograde Mercury in your 8th with Uranus from your 5th, they will test your patience and endurance. In a fraction of a second, they can have unpredictable outbursts and reactions that you won’t understand and won’t be able to manage easily. Under no circumstances are financial openings or games of chance favored, while in the love field your passion for an older relationship may suddenly flare up. If you’re thinking about a reunion, it won’t go well. If you are thinking of an evening of love passion, without commitments and restrictions, then you have more chances. If you are already in a relationship, overcome taboos and prejudices and experiment.


In your interpersonal relationships you should be careful and especially in your relationship with your partner, because with the squares of retrograde Mercury from your 7th, with Uranus from your 4th, there will be many conflicts and tensions, from one moment to another. You will find it difficult to show patience, damage may occur at home, or a piece of news may upset you and you cannot handle it calmly. You will have fast reflexes, resulting in you acting jerky to uncontrollable. If you are in a relationship, it is a good idea to avoid sharing with your partner what is happening at home with your paternal family, unless you are kicked out of the house and have nowhere to stay.


During the day, many unexpected events will occur with retrograde Mercury in your 6th, once again squaring Uranus in your 3rd, in less than a month. Your schedule will be constantly thrown off course with you snapping and easily irritated. Some events related to relatives or siblings may be a source of tension and communication between you may become quite difficult. In general, show composure and flexibility so that things don’t come to an extreme. If you drive, you will have quick reflexes, but this does not necessarily mean that you will not make mistakes, so be especially careful, do not rush and do not fight. If you have an old vehicle, it is possible that it will break down.


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#Signs #Cancer #unexpected #situations #expenses #mind #inflated #bills.. #general #sudden #events #occur



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