Signing of a memorandum of understanding for the creation of the APIVALE Scientific Interest Group on the recovery of organic effluents | handles

This memorandum of understanding formalizes the desire of the partners to create a scientific structure bringing together the regional scientific community in the field of the recovery of organic effluents and to develop partnership research in this field.

An integrated approach to the recovery of organic effluents

Collectively, the partners have the necessary skills to address issues relating to the different stages of the chain of production and recovery of organic effluents but also to consider this issue in an integrative way, at the scale of the farm or the territory. The expertise of the research teams involved is recognized nationally and internationally. They already have a certain amount of infrastructure and equipment, financed in particular within the framework of the State-Region Project Contract 2015-2020.

These teams also benefit from a well-structured national partnership network, with development actors but also with companies specializing in animal and plant production or in the management and treatment of effluents. In this context, the creation of the APIVALE Scientific Interest Group aims to:

  • jointly develop research and development projects;
  • conduct research to make better use of organic effluents in order to produce energy, extract compounds with high added value, reduce dependence on non-renewable resources and synthetic fertilizers while taking into account in particular the related health risks effluent management;
  • federate and develop tools and infrastructures in a coordinated manner to ultimately bring regarding a multi-site regional platform;
  • contribute to the initial training at Master 2 and doctorate level and to the continuing education of partners outside the GIS.

L’INRAIrstea, ANSES, Agrocampus Westl’UBS and theUniversity of Rennes 1 are delighted with this new form of partnership which will enable them to develop R&D projects aimed at optimizing the recovery of organic effluents throughout the management chain of these effluents in the context of more sustainable agriculture.



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