Significant logistical support from Burkina Faso –

The Ministers of Economy and Participations (Mays Mouissi), Public Works (Flavien Nzengui Nzoundou), Agriculture and Food (Jonathan Ignoumba) received on Wednesday a large delivery of heavy machinery. The result of a partnership with the company EBOMAF of Burkina Faso, this equipment is intended for road works and agricultural machinery, we can read in a joint communication made by the three ministerial departments cited above.

Heavy machinery, including loaders, trucks, graders and many others, will be mainly used for the construction of the bypass road in Malibé 2, north of Greater Libreville, the said press release states. More than a hundred kilometers long, this road will start from Cap Caravane in Owéndo via Bikélé, Nkok, and Andeme.

Some of the agricultural machinery received © DR

Some of these heavy machines should help to revitalize the activities of Public Works subsidies, in order to guarantee better maintenance of the national road network, we learned.

“Despite the return of rains in a few weeks, we have the equipment to begin to tackle the problem of maintaining the dirt road in a significant way, by relying on the priority of national roads. We must already plan for the Alembé-Mikoui section, because it is the provinces of Haut-Ogooué and Ogooué-Lolo, in particular their capitals, which remain to be reached on the basis of a linear route of more than 308 km, still on dirt.”declared the Minister of Public Works, Flavien Nzengui Nzoundou.

Agricultural machinery, for its part, should play a crucial role in the implementation of Gabon’s agricultural policy, in particular by contributing to the development of the sector and by strengthening the productivity of farms, it is argued.

This project, an initiative of the transitional president, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, aims to support and consolidate the road infrastructure modernization program in Gabon and to accelerate the development of major agricultural projects, in line with the National Transitional Development Program (PNDT).

Government members and partners posing for posterity © DR.

This is the first delivery of heavy machinery and agricultural equipment, with three other shipments expected shortly in Libreville.. “We have chosen to work with an African partner. You will see EBOMAF both on the equipment that we have received, for certain works that we are going to carry out or that we have already carried out, in public works or in other sectors”confided the Minister of Economy and Participations, Mays Mouissi.

EBOMAF, for its part, is determined to respond efficiently and diligently to the commitments made to the Gabonese State. “Failure is not in our vocabulary. You will get good work and at reasonable costs”reassured Mahamadou Bonkoungou, Director General of EBOMAF.

Alph’-Whilem Eslie

2024-08-15 12:05:46
#Significant #logistical #support #Burkina #Faso



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