Sign by sign, Jimena La Torre’s predictions for this spring

2023-09-24 17:36:51

Jimena La Torre He shared predictions for all signs of the zodiac on his YouTube channel. “Spring has arrived, the Sun enters Libra”described the astrologer.

La Torre also said that The Moon will continue in Sagittarius. Then it will pass through Capricorn and Aquarius.

With the arrival of spring A new stage of the sun also arrives. Therefore, the astrologer explained How will it influence your day to day life? and told what each can expect Zodiac sign in the coming months.

Jimena Latorre’s horoscope for each sign


The sun in Libra is all about agreements. To Aries He has no choice but to make agreementsthan listening to proposals. Lucky card: two of swords. “In pairs everything will be much easier, by talking they understand each other.”


The sun in Libra gives it a lot of strength because Libra is also ruled by Venus. Feeling of fertility. Lucky card: The Empress. “Time for growth and optimizing all the things they are doing.”


Uploaded to the supermarket success car. The best thing will be to move forward with the plans. Lucky card: The car. “There are trips, moves and there are movements.”


He gives his best. Love, family peace, is great Let him give his heart. Reigning affectively. Lucky card: queen of cups. “It connects from that place of love and receives popularity.”


The labor and economic order is excellent, there is a bit of effort in the balance sheets, in the agreements. Lucky card: six gold. “Work activities give good results on a professional level.”


It’s like a wild card and It has to do with where this position is located because it went very well and now it continues. Lucky card: The fool. “He places himself in what is coming knowing that it is the best.”


It is number one at this time, with everything on the table. Good time to carry out projects. Letter from the luck: the magician. “Have the best energies that this sun provides.”


Listen to the inner wisdom, not making decisions in this sun in Librabecause it is a little uncomfortable and forces them to look behind to gain momentum. Lucky card: the hermit. “It will advance more slowly, but it will do so in a very good way.”


The sun in Libra is super positivedrives him a lot to move forward. Lucky card: justice. “Achieve that favorable justice that you so need.”


You have to evaluate each idea, evaluate each plan. Lucky card: Page of Swords. “Why not plan to study something in the future? Think better about plans.”


With two, everything is easier because the sun in Libra allows these agreements. Lucky card: two of pentacles. “They say yes to the partnership, yes to the agreement, yes to the meeting, yes to traveling as a couple.”


They feel more in tune with being able to project something as a team and also with the couple. Lucky card: Two of clubs. “It is time for a lot of passion, decision and why not that dream trip that you have pending.”

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